Sunday, September 5, 2010

It's Week #2 in September, and our focus item is...Pasta!

(Image courtesy of

Last week, our target item was Wheat.....and I had all these great plans of things to share with you....and then life got in the way.  But, it is my hope that you looked at your stores and obtained more, or enough wheat and grains to continue your journey to stock up on your long-term supplies. 

This week, our target item is one of my favorites.......Pasta.  There are endless types of pasta and they can be used in main dishes, in side dishes, salads, and let's not forget the occasional Kindergarten craft.

Is there a proper way to cook Pasta? 

I discovered that there is.  I located a wonderful video that gives specifics.  Who knew that the type of pan you cook pasta in really matters?  As it does not have an embed code that I can find, please follow this link

Look at your supplies, examine what recipes you want to use, calculate your needs, and stock up. 

This is an inexpensive one to get!

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