Sunday, February 28, 2010

Bookmarks for March.....

My thanks go out to those of you who are adding to your Long-term Food Storage...and keeping up with your 3 month supply as well. Several of you have stated that you are diligently working on each item each week, and I have even had requests for group orders on some items we have yet to focus on. Great work!
“Wives are instrumental in this work, but they need husbands who lead out in family preparedness. Children need parents who instill in them this righteous tradition. They will then do likewise with their children, and their stores will not fail.”      (Keith B. McMullin)

I love this quote....because it not only addresses the here and now, but the future generations of our families. 

These are pictures from Hurricane Hugo. These were typical scenes that we were presented with when our family opened our door the following morning. The previous night sounded like a freight-train had been trudging through our home for over 12 hours. Great pines exploded and broke under the pressure of the Hurricane-force winds.  They cut homes in our neighborhood in half or crushed them. We had lived through it (without damage to our home), but then a new challenge presented itself.

We were without power for nearly a week. Just prior to the Hurricane hitting Columbia SC where we lived at the time, I went to the local grocery store. I wasn't buying food as I thought we were okay in that department. I went to buy tape to put in a star-shape across our windows and to stock up on batteries. The tape was needed to hold the glass together in as few pieces as possible just in case they broke under the pressure of the fierce winds. The batteries were for our radio.

The scene at the store can most classically be described as the fury that you see when Wilma and Betty (of the Flintstones) go shopping at a big sale. Southern manners were being tested and tried, shelves were bare, and people also were becoming frightened.

Why am I telling you all of this? Well, because we learned a very expensive lesson. I had all of our meats, vegetables, and fruits essentially in our freezer. When the power went out.....we essentially lost it all. I had to laugh when we would get calls asking if we had a generator....and if we did....could they borrow it! Think about the logic and boldness of that question! We didn't have a generator at the time....but we sure do now.

We didn't lose our water. Many people in our neighborhood and the surrounding area came to our home to fill up their containers with water as they had none. We gave nearly all of our water storage away as well.

What was the lesson? Don't put all your eggs in one basket! I learned from that experience, and subsequent ones that you need to store your food by more than one method. Methods of preservation include freezing, canning, and dehydrating. All have pros and cons. This month, 2 of the focus items are dehydrated items. We will discuss them more during the weeks where they are the focus item.

Here is a preview of the items we will be gathering during March:

Week 1

Powdered Milk

Week 2

Dehydrated Vegetables

Week 3

Dehydrated Fruit

Week 4

Corn Syrup

So.....wallets ready.......on your mark......get set.....GO!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

How To Mix Powdered Milk.......

(image courtesy of

For the first week of March, our target item is....Powdered Milk. This is a surprisingly versatile product that is often overlooked or misunderstood. Some people won't even consider trying it, but may have it in their storage only because they feel that they are supposed to. So, during this week I plan to show different ways to use this powerful food storage staple.

For this post, I will show you one way to mix Non-Fat Powdered Milk. Most directions call for using warm or hot water to mix the Non-Fat Powdered Milk (Not Instant Powdered Milk...there is a difference).

I learned this method from a wise lady who taught a class at a Relief Society Homemaking Meeting. I only went to this class because I wondered if anyone else would attend, and I didn't want this sister to have prepared for this class without having a good turn-out. However, I was the lucky recipient...and have used her information over and over again. This method I will be showing you was shown me by Sister Iverson......a very smart "chick".

Put about 1 inch of water in the bottom of your blender. 

Pour in 2/3 cup of Non-fat Powdered Milk.  Pulse your blender a couple of times.

Fill your blender with Ice

Fill the blender with water...within about 1.5 to 2 inches from the top.

Pulse your blender to break up the large ice pieces.  Then run it for a short time to avoid a build up of foam.

You can choose how to do this step. I choose to put it in a milk carton.....because people around here tend to get a bit dramatic about certain things. Use a funnel and pour it into your container. Sometimes you get a few chunks of "ice-milk" after blending. When this occurs, use the handle of a fork or spoon and help move it through your funnel. Just poking it a couple of times usually does the trick. You will hear little pieces of ice hitting the sides and bottom of the container. This is so very important. It is the key to making this work.

Set your container into the refrigerator overnight. The ice will have melted and the milk will be...Ice Cold. That is the secret to making powdered milk. It has to be ice-cold to be enjoyed.

What about the flavor? Believe it or isn't as strong as you might expect. Actually, I made this kind of milk for 3 weeks before confessing to my children that I had done it. Here are some things you can do to transition to drinking powdered milk:

Mix one quart at a time and pour it into your milk jug with 3 other quarts of fresh milk.  After a week or so, up the amount to 2 quarts in your gallon jug.  After 1 more week, then put in 3 and after an additional week, you most likely will have transitioned well.
  • Some suggest putting in between a pinch all the way up to 2 tsp of sugar.
  • Others suggest putting in a few drops of vanilla.
What if we only like 2% or whole Milk?  Great question.  Here is some information that helps you do just that with your Powdered Milk:

Why would I ever do this?  There are several reasons:
  • Cost:  ( reports that it costs $1.23 for a gallon of Milk made from Non-Fat Milk Powder)
  • Convenience
  • To use in your baking
  • And, just being prepared
It is simple enough to do, give it a try!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Our little blog has been around....for a year!  I hope you have found at least one thing  useful!

(image courtesy of

Saturday, February 20, 2010

It's Week #4 in February....the targeted item is.....Toothpaste

(Image courtesy of

I hope you are getting all stocked up on each item that we are focusing upon each week. The target item for the last week of this month is Toothpaste.

If you ever wondered where Toothpaste came from....its roots come from peoples living thousands of years ago. Reportedly between 3000 and 5000 BC, the Egyptians made a paste out of the following: ashes of oxen hooves, burnt egg shells, pumice, myrrh and water. Fast forward to 1000 BC to the Persians version that was made from burned shells from snails & oysters with gypsum added ...maybe for flavor.

Prior to WWI, toothpaste came in little tubes made from.....are you ready......lead! During WWII with the shortage of lead, this product was placed into laminated tubes made from plastic, paper, and aluminum.

It wasn't until the 1950's that the discovery of the benefit of fluoride was noted in children.

For those who are adventurous....and want to make your own toothpaste....see the following: 
Personal Hygiene:
How To Make Organic Toothpaste


Great Posts ...From Other blogs....Don't miss them!

Hi all:

To find "information", I subscribe to a lot of blogs.  Recently, there have been 2 entries that I thought you would enjoy because I sure did!  Since some of the information in copyrighted, I will only post the links.  Please make sure that you read them!  I really encourage you to do so...I don't think you will be disappointed!

The First comes from Self-Reliant Sisters.  Have you ever recieved the fliers that say it only costs a bizillion dollars to purchase a years supply of food?  Seriously, we have been hood-winked into thinking that.  This post shows how inexpensive it really is to store enough food for one person....for a fraction of the "bizillion" dollar price tag:

Now, I know you folks well enough to "know" how much you will be chuckling after reading this post from The Jet Set.  If you want a good laugh that involves food really can't miss this post.  I'll be very disappointed in you if you don't read it!:

Thursday, February 18, 2010

(image courtesy of know you have thought about it.......but it is not "lady-like" to say it.  So....I'll say it....  The big question....or hesitation about beans is.....Flatulence.  Some of my favorite people have said they don't store beans or eat them because of this very issue. 

Why are beans associated with Flatulence?  Well, here are some facts from Rita Bingham:

  • The raffinose sugars which are contained in beans are the cause.

  • These sugars contain 3 or more simple sugars (sucrose contains 2)

  • The digestive enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract are not capable of breaking these sugars apart into simple sugars for absorption so they pass into the colon.

  • In the lower intestine, the sugars are metabolized by bacteria and form CO2, H, and Methane gas
So, this is the "scientific" response as to why.  Now, let's give you some options to avoid it.

This is Epazote.  Certain herbs have gas-reducing properties, with epazote being one of the most effective.

  • Add 2 teaspoons dry or 6 fresh leaves to a pot of beans before cooking.

  • Other herbs that reportedly that have gas-reducing properties are bay leaf & cumin.

This is Kombu:   It is a sea vegetable that also works well and has the added advantage of replenishing some of the minerals lost in soaking.

  • Add a two-inch strip per one cup of dried beans during cooking.
The next be question may be ...... where do I get these?  I had to look hard for them, but in Utah County, I found them at "Many Lands Market" which is located at 1145 North 500 West, Provo, UT 84604-3335

The Epazote was less than a dollar and the Kombu was nearly $3.50 but had many strips to last you a long time.

Other options:

Sprouting: USU research stated that germination or sprouting reduces the complex sugars and gas production. Sprout the beans first, and then cook them.
Discard soaking water: discard the water you soak you beans in prior to cooking.
Regular Consumption: If you eat beans or start adding Bean flour to things you bake, it helps your body adjust. You may use Bean flour in any recipe calling for flour by replacing up to 25% of the wheat flour with any variety of bean flour.

    Now that you are armed ...
    with information...... give it a try!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Other options......

Perhaps you already know about soaking beans prior to using them. But there are other options. I will list them below:

1. Overnight soaking: Reportedly beans retain their shape better if you do this. Some individuals suggest that you put in a teaspoon of salt for every 3 cups of water. Other sources suggest that you do not use salt to soak your beans as they reportedly make the skin tough. You get to experiment and decide:) Just an FYI, if you are soaking Garbanzo beans, you need to do this in the refrigerator as they may ferment if you leave them on the counter.

2. Quick soaking: This method requires you to put in 8 cups of water for every pound of beans. Bring the mixture to a boil for a couple of minutes and turn off the heat. Let the beans soak for about 1 hour.

3. Pressure Cooker: There are 2 methods I am familiar with. The first states that you should only fill your pressure cooker to 1/3 of its capacity due to foaming of the beans. There is another option as well. In this second option, you put the beans into a metal bowl, inside of your pressure cooker....with water etc for pressuring as usual. This reportedly helps cut down on the foaming problem. You can always add a tablespoon of oil to cut down on foaming. It takes about 5-7 minutes on average to cook beans this way. Please check the manual to your Pressure cooker for more details.

4. Microwave: Check your manual to learn how to "simmer" the beans in your Microwave. You need a very large container to allow for expansion, foaming, etc.

If you are looking for recipes, do a search. I have found recipes from:,,,,,   and there are many, many more!

Two books that I recommend are: 

Country Beans is by Rita Bingham...and is full of ideas and recipes. You don't use beans just for soups and stews, and she shows you a variety of ways to use them.

This book by Peggy Layton, entitled "Cookin' with Beans and Rice" is also very helpful.

(Some of the information noted above comes from these two sources).

Another way to cook your beans....when you don't have lots of time.


In a previous post I indicated that I am a busy person.  In fact, I think I only know busy people.  So, I will share this and other options that you may try to use your dry beans at home.  As you can see, I am using my Crockpot.  I placed the dry beans inside.

Next I added water.  Always put in at least twice the amount of water than you have beans.  Here, I put in one cup of beans and  a little over 2 cups of water.  Turn the Crockpot on (I chose High because...I was in a hurry...surprise).  I left it going for about 3-4 hours.

Later, I checked to see if the beans were done, and they were.  I then added the rest of the ingredients to make White Bean Chili...which is really good!

Here is the recipe courtesy of the Food Network and Paula Deen:

Cook Time:1 hr 45 min

Level: Easy

Yield: 10 to 15 servings


1 pound dried navy beans

5 cups chicken stock

4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) butter

1 tablespoon minced garlic

3/4 cup diced onion

1 1/2 cups chopped green chiles (fresh or canned)

1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts, finely chopped

1 tablespoon ground cumin

1 tablespoon dried oregano

1 to 2 teaspoons ground black pepper

1/2 teaspoon white pepper

Pinch red pepper flakes

1/2 bunch cilantro leaves, chopped


Rinse beans well, cover with cool water, and soak for 2 hours  (You could soak or use the Crockpot.  My beans were warm and ready to be made into chili directly from the Crockpot). Drain. Put the beans in large pot with the chicken stock and bring to a boil over high heat.

In a saucepan, heat the butter over medium heat. Add the garlic, onion, and chiles and saute for 5 minutes. Add chile mixture to pot with beans. Add the chicken, cumin, oregano, pepper, white pepper, red pepper flakes, and cilantro. Lower the heat to medium and cook, stirring occasionally, for approximately 1 1/2 hours. Serve with cornbread, if desired.

Here is a picture of....dinner.  I made this strictly from my Food Storage supplies.  I had dehydrated Cilantro and all the spices.  I used canned chicken that I had on hand.  I keep butter in my freezer, so I had it all.  I added homemade biscuits, sliced oranges and a drink.  On a cold day, it was wonderful.  My son said it shouldn't be called a chili....because it doesn't look like one.  He said, to him, it was a kind of chicken noodle soup.  So I'm thinking....where are the noodles?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I don't have time.......

"I don't have time......."   We have all had this thought about something or someone at one time or another.  In regard to our focus item this week, I have often thought "I don't have time to think ahead to soak..." or "I don't have time to cook beans.....ever".  Well, with age I hope comes wisdom.  We are about to see.

Hopefully by now you have read the posts that focus on the different types of dry beans that are available.  Please know that this is not an exhaustive list!  The most popular question I have heard next to "I don't know what kind to get" is "What do I do with them?"  Well here is one option.....can them.

If you purchase beans in the can, then this option is one you can really do instead of buying them in cans.  The best part is one of the easiest things to do.  To get started you will certainly need you beans, some salt, water, jars, lids, rings, and your pressure cooker/canner.  If you don't have a Pressure Canner, ask a neighbor or friend to help you.   Here are the steps:

Wash and sort your beans.  Sometimes beans have rocks or small sticks in them.  I use my colander and do this step.

Clean and sterilize your jars and lids.

Set up your jars and place a funnel into the first jar.

For pints, put a 1/2 Cup of dry beans into the jar.  For quarts, use 1 Cup of dry beans.

For pints, put in 1/2 teaspoon of salt.  For quarts, use 1 teaspoon.

Fill up the jar with water.  Leave about 3/4 inch of headspace.  I just put water in until I reach the glass circle that stops the ring when it is screwed on.

Here, you see that I have 4 different types of beans.  That is one of the things that is so great about doing this.  I only can a few jars at a I need them.  I have Black beans, Navy Beans, Pinto Beans, and Kidney Beans that I will be canning in this batch.

Wipe off the top of the jar with a clean cloth.

Place a sterilized lid on the jar.

Next, place the ring on the jar.

Place the jars into your Pressure Canner.  If you have hard water, make sure you put in a few Tablespoons of Vinegar into the water in your Canner.  If you don't, your jars will come out with a hard-water film on the outside of them.  The beans will be fine, your jars will look.....funny.

Here, you can see that I have 7 pints in my canner.  This is equivalent to 7 cans of beans.  Process them for 90 minutes at 15 lbs of pressure. 

After 90 minutes, allow the canner to cool naturally.  Do not rush the cooling process as beans have protein.  You should never rush a canner to cool quickly when canning proteins.  After the cooling process, remove the jars from the Canner. 

Here is a jar of Navy beans.  As you can see, most of them are plump, but some are not.  There is no reason to worry.  After a few days, they all will be plump.

A few additional points:

1. This works with beans that are newly purchased, and beans that have been in storage for many years. The Kidney beans that I canned have been in my storage for over 7 years. If I soak them or slow cook them, they take forever.

2. A pint of beans is equivalent to a 15 oz can of beans that you purchase from the store. You can substitute it in your favorite soup or chili recipe.

3. I don't can batch after batch at one time. I just do one batch, and when they are gone, I do another. This is a great way to use your empty jars during the winter.

4. A can of Kidney beans on costs just about $1.30 a can. This comes out to $.08/ounce. An ounce of dry Kidney beans (same source) is less than half a cent per ounce. This works out to be about a 63% savings.

5. I am a very busy person! So, after work, I will quickly prepare 7 jars (it takes about ~5 minutes), and put them into the Pressure Canner. I set the timer and go about the other million things that I have to do on my list. When the timer goes off (after 90 minutes), I turn them off and usually wait until morning before removing them from the canner.

So, in response to the initial statement about "not having time", you really do have 5 minutes. You really do have 90 minutes while you are watching the Olympics or other primetime shows that you love.

Give it a try!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Good Housekeeping.....and Dried Beans

There is nothing like the Good Housekeeping seal.....right? This is a trusted name in the homemaking and food. So, I thought, what a better source to get information on how to prepare dry beans. I learned something new.....about soft water and high altitude. Watch the video below and learn about these things and more.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

Happy Valentine's Day! You may wonder "why" I am putting a picture of a "Newell post" in celebration of this day. There is a reason....and I'd like to share it with you.

Several years ago, we had moved here from the East Coast. We rented a home while we investigated properties that we might purchase to build a home. We looked and looked, and found the choices to be a bit overwhelming. While we were in that process.....Valentine's Day came around.

I was looking forward to some extravagant gift from my husband.....but I didn't see any wrapped packages or flowers! I wondered if he forgot! As we gathered around as a family to celebrate with a wonderful meal and little presents, my husband brought out a "board" with a big red bow on it.

Now, keep in mind that my husband works with wood and sees it as a thing of beauty. I thought I was getting a "beautiful piece of wood". Well, as it turns out, it was this very Newell Post. He said "Happy Valentine's Day, I wanted to give you the first piece of our new home". I was very moved, and felt sheepish about my previous thoughts.

He built the staircase for our home using this post. Many times, as I slide my hand around this ball when making my way downstairs, I remember that Valentine's Day.

Even though I loved getting that "gift", I still love getting flowers.....and he didn't disappoint me this year either. I loved how they arrived; the delivery boy brought them into the house and set them on the counter when nobody was home. Don't be alarmed, the delivery boy...was my handsome son. It's all good!

Now, have a happy Valentine's Day. Do something special for those you love and express your thanks and appreciation for those who grace you life.

February Week #3.....Dry Beans

(image courtesy of

This "food" comes with some controversy.  Some love dry beans and others either hate them or don't have a clue what to do with them.  This week, I will try to show you various things you can do with them.  They are a very healthy food and traditionally are very inexpensive. 

The LRH has previously shared several posts about dry beans which include varieties, how to cook them, some unique uses, and even some favorite recipes.  Check them out!

You can purchase dry beans from various sources.  Many local grocery stores carry small 2 lb bags all the way up to 25 pound bags.  Many sources/sites that sell Food Storage also carry a variety to purchase.  Finally, you can get dry beans from our local Lindon Home Storage Center. 

Friday, February 12, 2010

More news from the Lindon Home Storage Center......

I received this notice from the  Lindon Home Storage Center (aka the Cannery)  Read's got great information!

Because we have had such a significant number of new subscribers to the Lindon Cannery distribution list, we are re-sending the family canning schedule. This distribution list has become an invaluable tool for us. We hope that you will always find value in the information we send to you. (Remember, you can always call the Lindon Cannery (801) 785-0998, and ask that your name be removed from the list if needed.)

Two things to note about the current Family Canning Schedule:

1) For spaghetti sauce, we have had to switch from a 25 oz. jar to a quart size, 32 oz. jar. This will raise the price per case to $24.00. HOWEVER…this drops the price per ounce from .07 cents to .06 cents. So…you are saving money—but you might have to make a little more spaghetti or have bread sticks to dip with your spaghetti dinner! Leftovers! YUM!!! You could always use the left over sauce in a homemade soup or make pizza another night. We must always look at the positive!! We also found out that you can re-use the jam jars and this new spaghetti sauce jar for canning as long as you use it ONLY for water bath and NOT for pressure canning. The both jars will now come with a ring and lid.

2) If you are planning to schedule family canning, please do it right away. Forms continue to trickle in but we are needing to finalize the schedule as quickly as possible. You are free to forward the form to anyone who is interested, but please let them know how quickly we want to hear from them. If there are those who are still having trouble getting the form printed through Adobe, once you have downloaded the free copy of Adobe Reader from, please call us at 801-785-0998 and we will try and help you or you can come by the Cannery to pick up a copy.

*********** DRY PACK UPDATE*************

In late December, the Lindon Home Storage Center (Dry Pack) requested the information about price changes happening on January 16th be sent to our distribution list. It was amazing to see the effects this had. Brother Anderson, Manager of the Lindon Home Storage Center, has now asked that we share the following with you:

Lindon Home Storage Center (Dry-Pack) update. For Dry Pack questions call: 801-785-0997

· Powdered Milk

On January 16th the price of powdered milk rose $10.60 per 25# bag, from $24.80 to its current price of $35.40. As noted on the Family Home Storage Center price sheet (found on-line at, prices are subject to change without notice. The $24.80 price was in effect for almost seven months prior to the increase.

As soon as we were notified of the price increase in early December, I sent out a notice via the great sisters in the Wet-Pack Cannery Office. The results were interesting:

o In November 2009, our patrons canned just under 800 #10 cans of milk.

o In December, they canned just under 700 #10 cans of milk (remember that we were closed for ~the last two weeks in December.)

o In the first two weeks of January — before the price change on the 16th — just under 2,500 #10 cans were processed.

o On Thursday, January 14th, there was so much demand that we literally ran out of product fairly early in the day. It should be noted that if the demand had peaked in the weeks before, we could have replenished the milk to meet the demands since we order each week for the following week. But, by the last week, it was too late to order more.

o Note: the canning stats above do not include the thousands of pounds that were purchased in bulk during this time.

o The parallel to the parable of the 10 virgins came to my mind after all the (milk) dust settled… Those who waited until the last minute lost the benefit of the better price.

o Please note that the price of our powdered milk is still excellent considering that ~two years ago the price was over $70 per bag!

· Potato Flakes

A new opportunity has now presented itself. With the new price changes, potato flakes (NOT potato pearls!) have dropped from $30.20 per 25 lb. box to $22.20, a decrease of $8 per box.

Potato Flakes are only dried potatoes. Their shelf life, when properly canned and stored under ideal conditions (as noted on the order form), will be 30 years. You can make them taste just as good as potato pearls by adding salt, butter and milk.

We recommend that you plan early to increase your own home storage inventory and take advantage of the lower price of this and other items.

Other items to take note of are:

· White Rice: Price dropped $1.90 (11.1%) per 25# box to $$8.45

· Black Beans: Price dropped $1.85 (4.1%) per 25# bag to $14.50

· Spaghetti: Price dropped $1.70 (7.4%) per 25# box to $14.55

· White Beans: Price dropped $1.65 (7.6%) per 25# bag to $14.10

· Pre Packs

As you were informed earlier, the prices of our pre-packed items are no longer the same price as the do-it-yourself cans of equal quantity. They are slightly higher, ranging from 11 cents to 23 cents per can higher depending on the product. This is still a great buy if you want to save time in securing these products for your home storage. You can buy these pre-packs directly off the shelf.

New Pre-Pack Items: Starting sometime after the 1st of April, we will be offering two additional pre-pack items:

· White Wheat

· White Flour

Pricing and availability will be forwarded to you as soon as we are notified. This information, as always, will also be posted when the time comes on the Home Storage Center Order Form at

We strongly suggest that the counsel of the Brethren be followed and that you build up your home storage items by:

· First securing your 3 months supply of those items your family eats every day.

· Then slowly build up your long-term food storage.

o You don’t have to do it all at once! But keep at it!

o We have some very excellent and EASY instructions to help you determine what you will need for a year’s supply of food for your family. Come in and talk to one of our excellent missionary staff! They are all willing and anxious to assist you.

The Lindon Home Storage Center is open on a walk-in, first-come/first-serve basis on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Price and product information is located on (Make sure to use .org extension since there is a .net website with the same name.) You are looking for the Home Storage Center Order Form link on this website. It is an interactive form where you can plan your expenditure by entering order amounts and seeing the total amount you will spend. After you complete the order form, print it off and bring it with you to expedite the check-in process at the Home Storage Center. Do not fill out your check prior to arriving at the Center just in case they are out of any of the products you planned to order.

One last note: Remember that it isn’t enough just to buy food stuffs in bulk and store them, as-purchased, without preparing them to last long-term.

I talked with a patron a few months ago who wanted to buy 2,000 lbs of White Wheat. When I asked how she planned to store it, she said she had no idea what I meant. She felt that all that was needed to be prepared was to buy it in bulk. No thought was given to safe and secure storing procedures. Don’t get caught with a lot of food storage that may be at risk because of improper storage preparations.

We love serving you!

Y’all come in and see us! Hear?

Elder Anderson, Manager
Lindon Home Storage Center

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

For those who are adventurous.....

(Image courtesy of

Since our target item this week is laundry detergent, I wanted to share some information about making your own. There are various reasons to do this such as cost savings. I have these items in my storage because.....if I really were in a challenging situation, I could use the ingredients to make a lot of laundry detergent with either my camp stove for the liquid type or plain ole elbow grease for the powder form.

If you search, you will find a multitude of sites, videos, etc that show you how to do this. Many of them suggest a brand of soap called Fels-Naptha. You can also use a bar of Ivory soap, or a natural soap of your liking. I have read that soap with perfumes etc can interfere with the other ingredients to make soap.  I purchased all of these items in our local grocery store.

I am including videos on how to make both types, liquid and powder. I will also include some recipes that you may want to try. Depending upon who you read, the cost is around $.08 to $.10 a load compared with $.39 cents a load for Tide.

For recipes, see this link which has about 10 different recipes to try:

Monday, February 8, 2010

"On the Lords Errand....."

Elder McKay Burrows was remembered by his family, friends, and the missionaries he served with.  Below are excerpts from the Blog kept by Sister Lundberg, and the coverage by the local news.

In regard to this photo, Sister Sora Lundberg who is the wife to Mission President James Lundbert of the Romania Bucharest Mission states "This was just taken in December. I told Elder Burrows that it looked like he was twins. Then I told him that the photo reminded me of the mirrors in the temple---where life goes on eternally."

I am including several quotes about Elder Burrows from her blog:

  • Two of our precious missionaries, Elder Jace Edwards Davis and Elder McKay Choy Burrows, received an unexpected transfer on January 30, 2010. They had their final interviews with President Lundberg on Wednesday and attended zone conference on Friday. They completed their mission in the Romania Bucharest Mission on Saturday, and have begun a new mission on the other side of the veil.

  • This year in Romania, we have celebrated the 20th anniversary of the fall of communism and the dedication of the land of Romania for missionary work. Elder Davis and Elder Burrows were tiny babies in 1989 when the revolution took place in Timişoara. The elders were crossing paths as they entered this mortal existence with those people who sacrificed their lives for freedom were leaving. Those martyrs who died for the cause of freedom need the gospel. Our two elders from Timisoara were just called home. These two young men don’t need time to be trained in missionary work. They know it. They know how to contact, to teach, and to testify. They are ready to go. I hope Elder Davis and Elder Burrows will be assigned to those who also played a part in bringing the gospel to Romania.

  • A comment from the mother of a returned missionary from this mission:  "Mom, there are two young men who were welcomed into the Saviors presence today with shouts of joy and gladness. Don't be sad. Their salvation is secure". As I type this, Elders Thompson and Stromberg are on their way to Las Vegas to attend the viewing for Elder Davis, and then returning to Provo for Elder Burrows' funeral Monday morning. I know how much it will mean to the families of these two fine young men, to see their companions gathered in their honor.
Article from the LDS Church News
    Below is a video from KSL Television.

    Video Courtesy of

    Saturday, February 6, 2010

    February week #2, targeted item.....Laundry Soap

    (Image courtey of

    As we plug along in our quest to stock up on Long-Term preparedness items, we all would agree that we need......Laundry detergent.  I'm sure you have all had the experience of running out and needing to wash....everything!  So, it's a quick trip to the store.  How very inconvenient!

    Did you know that Consumer Reports has tested and made recommendations on the Laundry Detergents that they feel performed the best?  Would you like to know what they were?  Would you like to know what Consumer Reports suggests that you look for in a Laundry Detergent?  Okay, let's get to it.

    What to look for:

    Reviewers report the following about shopping for laundry detergent for standard or high-efficiency washing machines. Note that there is a separate ConsumerSearch report on stain removers and pre-treatments.

    Powder vs. liquid detergent? There seem to be more liquid detergents out there at the moment than powered laundry soaps, and more liquid varieties are included in testing. Some say that powdered detergents work best in hard, hot water and for removing mud and clay. Liquid detergents are better for removing grease, oily dirt and stains. Liquid detergents can also be used as a spot treatment for stains. Overall, we didn't find conclusive evidence for choosing one over the other.

    Natural LaundryProducts without perfumes or dyes may be helpful to people with sensitive skin or allergies.

    Consider buying detergent in bulk and transferring it to smaller containers at home, saving on plastic waste.

    Experts recommend the following about using laundry detergent:

    Do not use regular detergent in an HE machine. Suds may remain on clothing or in the machine, subsequently causing mildew.

    Add both powder and liquid detergents to water in the washing machine before clothes are put in. Powdered detergent in particular can leave residue on clothing if it hasn't first been dissolved into water.

    Cold water is fine for lightly soiled clothing. Hot water should be used for diapers, underwear and clothing worn by people who are ill.

    You can pre-treat a stain before washing by applying a liquid detergent or a paste made from powder detergent onto the fabric on the opposite side of the stain.

    The Top 4 Best Reviewed brands (See the link for the full article for supporting research articles at the bottom of this post)

    1.  Tide 2X Ultra Concentrated with a Touch of Downy.  *Est. 31 cents per load

    • When it comes to laundry detergent for standard top-loading washing machines, Tide liquid laundry soaps are tested the most widely. They receive the best reviews overall, even though they are more expensive than many… competing mainstream brands. Tide is well-reviewed by consumers, and in more formal testing it excels for stain removal and keeping colors bright. While we've put Tide 2X Ultra Concentrated with a Touch of Downy in our Best Reviewed chart, you should note that Tide 2X Ultra Concentrated detergents as a whole are top performers in comparison testing, and any of them would be a good choice. The HE version of this detergent, a low-sudsing soap for high-efficiency washers, also gets good reviews and costs about the same.

    2.  Budget liquid laundry soap  Great Value Everyday Elegance 2X Ultra.  *Est. 19 cents per load

    • Although we didn't see it included in as many tests as Tide, Wal-Mart's house brand, Great Value Everyday Elegance 2X Ultra, cleans only slightly less impressively than Tide laundry detergent in testing and it costs much… less. As with all laundry detergents, the fragrance may not be to your liking, but Everyday Elegance cleans as well or better in tests than other laundry soap. Everyday Elegance is a liquid soap formulated for standard washing machines.

    3.  Eco-friendly HE laundry detergent  Country Save HE Laundry Detergent Powder.  *Est. 9 cents per HE load

    • We didn't find Country Save included in formal comparison tests, but this powdered laundry soap has a strong fan base, particularly among parents who started using it for laundering cloth diapers but now use it for all of… their laundry. This mild detergent is dye-free and fragrance-free, and it contains no phosphates (which can harm marine life). Since you only use a small amount of this powder, costs are low -- about 18 cents per load for standard washing machines or 9 cents per load for high-efficiency machines (since you use less). Country Save's packaging is made of recycled and recyclable materials.
    4.  Best "green" liquid laundry detergent  Seventh Generation Free & Clear.  *Est. 26 cents per load

    • Seventh Generation laundry detergents are the most popular of the eco-friendly detergents among consumers and experts. Seventh Generation soaps use vegetable-based cleaning agents instead of petroleum-based agents. In… addition, they have no phosphates, which can be harmful to marine animals. Free & Clear contains no dyes or fragrances that can irritate those with sensitive skin. In comparison tests, Seventh Generation laundry detergent falls in the middle when it comes to cleaning, but for many, the slight loss in performance is an acceptable tradeoff for a detergent that has less environmental impact. Seventh Generation can be used in both standard and HE washing machines. Seventh Generation detergents are easier to find than Country Save's eco-friendly soaps, but Country Save is less expensive.


    Elder Burrows funeral scheduled at the Alpine Tabernacle....

    The following article appeared in the Daily Herald on February 5, 2010.  The article was written by Ashley King

    Funeral services have been arranged for an LDS missionary from Highland who died while serving in Romania.

    McKay Chow Burrows, a resident of Highland, and his companion, Jace Edwards Davis of Logandale, Nev., died on Jan. 29 after an apparent natural gas leak in their apartment.

    According to Howard Bangerter, president of the Burrows's stake, arrangements have now been made for the bodies to be returned to their families and funeral services held.

    Services for Burrows will be held on Monday at 2 p.m. at the Alpine Tabernacle, 110 E. Main, American Fork. A viewing will be held at the tabernacle prior to the funeral, beginning at noon.

    "We expect that there will be dignitaries from the [LDS] Church present, but we don't know whom," Bangerter said.

    Thursday morning a memorial service was held in Romania that included all the missionaries in the Romania Bucharest Mission, President James S. Lundberg, president of the mission and Elder Erich W. Copischke, area president for the Romania area.

    The bodies of Burrows and Davis could not be released until after autopsies had been performed. No further information has been released concerning the autopsies or the related police investigation.

    "When Elder Burrows left on his mission, he bore a powerful testimony of his savior, Jesus Christ, of the plan of salvation and of the resurrection," Bangerter said. "He enjoyed testifying of those things as a missionary and it's those same principles and knowledge that are bringing his family comfort at this time."

    Friday, February 5, 2010

    February week #1: Dishwashing soap

    Such a lovely soap! This is the target item to stock up on this week. I wanted to make a point using this photo. I don't know about you, but I tend to severely dislike handling giant bottles of product. I purchase a lot of my items in bulk, but I don't like to handle "bulky" items on a regular basis. So, as you see above, I recently had to refill my smaller bottle of dish soap. I have a small bottle that is easy to access, and the larger bottle is kept "further back" in the cupboard. This way, I don't have to lift a bulky bottle every time I need to use dish soap. If it gets left out on the counter by anyone, the smaller bottle doesn't stick out like a neon sign.

    As suggested before, consider marking your bottles with the date you purchased them. This way, you will know how long it takes for your family to use the entire container and also helps you calculate more specifically how much you will need on a yearly basis.

    You will need both liquid and dishwasher detergent. If you were to have a power outage, washing by hand would be your only option. Using the dishwasher helps sterilize (especially during cold and flu season), & cut down on cross contamination.

    For those who are are really is a link to MAKE YOUR OWN Dishwasher detergent....:

    Stock up today!

    February Bookmarks......

    “There is no person who knows the real purpose for which this welfare program is being instituted but hardly before sufficient preparation has been made the real purpose will be revealed and when that time comes it will challenge every resource of the church to meet it”   (Harold B Lee)

    In our continued quest to address our Long Term Storage this year, the following items are being focused upon during Feburary.  I have been pleasantly surprised at the response to this simple bookmark program.  It appears that because of its simplicity, many of our neighbors have stated that they can "do it". 

    One sister shared her experience while stocking up on toilet paper.  She was concerned about not having enough room to store that much toilet paper in her home.  Then she had a thought.  She realized that she had room in her recreational vehicle for it and stored it in there.  She stated that they would have to move it when they use the RV, but in the meantime, it allows her to keep her supply in a handy place. 
    I have and will continue to distribute the bookmarks for February in our ward.  Here is an over-view of this month's target items for everyone:

    Week 1

    Dish Soap

    Week 2

    Laundry Soap

    Week 3

    Dried Beans

    Week 4

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