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I had the opportunity to teach the Relief Society Lesson this past Sunday on Exaltation. I loved the message and the reminders of the clear path that Heavenly Father has placed before all of us. I was substituting for another sister who had to leave town on a family matter. Her creative mind came up with Salvation University or Exaltation U. Her premise what that Exaltation was analogous to achieving a College Degree.
The required Ordinances were the
General Education requirements:
- We must be baptised
- We must receive the laying on of hands to be confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
- Brethren must receive the Melchizedek Priesthood and magnify their callings in the Priesthood
- We must receive the temple endowment
- We must be married for eternity, either in this life or the next.
Major requirements include:
- Love God and our neighbors
- Keep the Commandments
- Repent of wrongdoings
- Search out our kindred dead and receive the saving ordinances of the gospel for them
- Attend our Church meetings as regularly as possible so we can renew our baptismal covenants by partaking of the sacrament.
- Love our family members and strengthen them in the ways of the Lord.
- Have family and individual prayers every day
- Teach the gospel to others by word and example
- Study the scriptures
- Listen to and obey the inspired words of the prophets of the Lord.
Well, as in any lesson in life, application is the key. For me, I pondered upon 2 different life experiences that I have had recently.
I was at work and the phone in my pocket kept vibrating all afternoon. Now, most of you would think, "stop and take the phone out of your pocket and see who was trying to contact you". Yes, that would be the normal response, but in my workplace, it is impossible until I am finished with the procedures I am doing. So, when I finally could check my phone, my text messages were like these: "3 cm"....."5 cm"....."7cm"....."Mom, where are you?" I hurriedly packed up my belongings and rushed to the hospital. I was blessed enough to see the birth of our youngest grandchild. This young boy had kept his first estate and now had come to the earth to receive his body. In regards to his Exaltation, it is incumbent on his parents, his grandparents, and all of us that serve in our callings to teach and serve him to assist him on his journey during this earthly test.
I am reminded of a young man who was raised in an LDS home, but chose to take an alternate path. He joined the military and served a tour of duty in Iraq. He came home and married, and was then called up to serve a tour in Afghanistan. While serving so far from home, he was injured in an explosion where 2 of his buddies were killed. He returned home again and was shortly deployed to Japan. He was there during the recent tragic events. After returning home, he became a young father. The birth of his son made an impression on him, and he worked with the missionaries and the ward members where he lived to ......progress. In October he was ordained a Melchizedek Priesthood holder, and in November his family was sealed together. His first Priesthood Ordinance as an Elder was to bless his son.......until this week...

.............when he dedicated the grave site of his younger brother....who just a few mornings before did not awaken.
The time to prepare for our own Exaltation is now. We do not know when our Earthly Test will end. The pathway is to Exaltation is clearly marked.
The Father has promised through the Son that all that he has shall be given to those who are obedient to His Commandments. They shall increase in knowledge, wisdom, and power, going from grace to grace, until the fullness of the perfect day shall burst upon them" Joseph Fielding Smith.
During this Christmas Season, let us all take the opportunity to reflect on the 'general education' and 'major requirements' that we need to address in this life. After all....Exaltation is the Gift.