Sunday, March 18, 2012

Dehydrating Peppers, and making Pepper flakes!

Pepper Flakes!

Well, I was in the grocery store yesterday, and I saw the really big Bell Peppers were on sale for a screaming deal.   I was low on Dehydrated peppers, so I purchased Red and Green Bell Peppers. I felt the yellow ones were too pricey to buy this time. 

I donned my disposable gloves as I didn't want to smell like Peppers all day. I cut off the top, and then pulled out the core and seeds.

Next, I sliced them in half. (See these really are quite big).

Next, I sliced them with my food processor...this literally took seconds to do.  I wanted them sliced very thin. 

This is 8 large sliced bell peppers.

I placed my screen inside the Dehydrator trays.  This is because the slices will become very fragile and thin.  They could fall through the traditional tray.

The next step is to layer the pepper slices on each tray.

Place your trays in your dehydrator.  Since Peppers are very 'aromatic', I put them outside on my patio table.

This is what the weather was like outside....a bit nippy!

After about 6 hours, they were done.  Look at the significant size difference from the freshly sliced peppers. See how delicate they are?  I just picked up the screen, rolled the peppers off the screen on to a paper towel.  I then rolled the paper towel together and crushed the peppers.

An Voila! Fresh Pepper flakes to use as I wish.  Aren't they pretty?  Eight bell peppers made 3 oz of Dehydrated Peppers.  

It is important to note that you can Dehydrate year round.  When you see a good deal on produce, even in the winter, take advantage of the price, take it home, and dehydrate it.  It really is that simple!

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