A few weeks ago, I posted about a sweet family that is facing almost intolerable odds. This sweet family of seven has 2 children who present with Leaky SCIDS (the "Bubble Boy" disease).
The children just spent the past 2 months in the hospital after their bone marrow transplant and now the entire family is in isolation in their home while these sweet little girls try to build an immune system. As you can imagine, the cost for all the medical care is astonishing. Please go here to learn more about this amazing family.
Folks, this is truly a story of "it takes a village". You have the opportunity to help this family and I pray that you will. A cookbook has been created from many folks who want to help and support this family. All the proceeds will go to help these sweet little ones.
Please go to http://www.whaddyashay.blogspot.com/ to sign up for a drawing for this specialized cookbook. Certainly you can always purchase one or more....and I hope you do.
Pricing is reasonable...$14.99 for a hard copy. All, I mean all proceeds go to the family. To order, please go here. However, Don't Miss Out On The Free Drawing by going here!!!!
Please take this chance to serve this family. There are a lot of things you can do with $14.99, but with this same amount, you can help make a significant impact for this family. How can you resist these cute little faces?