Saturday, March 17, 2012

It's Saint Patrick's Day...

There are lots of ways that different people celebrate St. Patrick's Day.  I have a very special memory about St. Patrick's day....10 years ago. I actually was in Ireland, on St. Patrick's Day.  It was a Sunday, and we attended an LDS ward.  As I looked around at all the wonderful members in attendance, I thought we all were dressed the same and thought my husband and I blended in well.  However, when a member of the Bishopric got up to begin Sacrament meeting, he welcomed everyone....including those from out of the country.  We hadn't talked to him at all! My son, who was also sitting on the pew with us informed us that Americans really stick out!  I guess he was right.

You might wonder why the 3 of us were in Ireland on St Patrick's wasn't for the celebration they had in the town we were in....which was anti-climatic.  The whole celebration took place while we were in church.  When we left to go to our hotel room, everyone had gone home....or to the Pubs.  No matter, I was  often in tears during the entire week we were there.  Why, you might ask?  Well, we were in Ireland, to see our son after 2 years of service as a Missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  We  were able to briefly see where he served and some of the folks he was fortunate enough to teach. I shed many  tears of joy, except for the time when I was so upset with my husband and son for forgetting to stop at stores for me day after day. (I wasn't driving!).  We could not find any curlers for me as my adapter didn't work in Ireland!  I just couldn't stand the thought of going to church the next day without curling my hair!  We finally found some in the Pound Store (think Dollar Store) in Cork just before the store closed.  I was really a happy camper at that point. 

Our Irish Elder son (pictured here in a castle) served honorably and we were so grateful for his decision to serve the Lord.  

We also have been fortunate enough to have had our oldest son serve a 2 year mission as well. He also returned home with honor.  Here he is at the airport with anxious family waiting to greet him.

So, we now have been blessed with the Trifecta....our youngest son has also made the decision to serve the Lord as well.  I now look at my cellphone between patients at work every Monday morning to see his emails.  It's hard to fight back the tears each week.  I had a friend of mine say that the older you become, the closer 'the plumbing gets to the surface', meaning that tears come more quickly and frequently.  I have learned to use waterproof mascara on Mondays.

So on this day of all days where people celebrate 'luck', I am feeling very grateful for our good children and our missionary sons.  The Plan of Salvation is much better than luck.....and we realize that we have been greatly blessed!


  1. We had the ability to go to Nicaragua and spend a couple of days with our son as he completed his mission. I had been the nearly "dry-eyed" one till I saw him as he tapped on the glass at the airport to get our attentions. I grabbed and hugged that young man with such joy! It was a neat experience to travel to some the towns and villages he served. The wonderful, humble mebers we met are in our memories. I even felt to bear my testimony that fast Sunday in my broken spanish, (with him by my side). My husband and I were grateful for his well-being, and his desire to serve. Now he is a senior in college at BYU-I, the baby of our family.

  2. What a great experience you have had. I have often told my husband that if I never got to go on another big 'trip', it would be fine. I consider the trip to Ireland to be one of my life's biggest joys.

    Thank you for sharing Mimi
