Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Army of Helaman......marches forth!

Today another Missionary from our family entered the Missionary Training Center in Provo.  This amazing 19-year old Sister couldn't wait to be endowed, couldn't wait to submit papers, and couldn't wait ...... to enter the MTC.

In the Young Single Adult Ward that my husband and I serve in, I am in awe of the caliber of the young Brothers and Sisters who are choosing to postpone their education and fulfill their desire to serve the Lord in far-reaching places around  the globe.  There is great excitement and great change in the air.  

An amazing video was shared with me today.  I think it shows the scope and range that the new policy announced by President Monson in our last General Conference is having in one area of Salt Lake City.  Imagine the result of this video multiplied many-fold.  Look out World....The Army of Helaman is coming...


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