Monday, February 4, 2013

It's a matter of making your own...Minute Rice!

Courtesy of Minute Rice

This is a favorite for many families in America.  A good tasting product that is quick to make. What is not to like here?

Well, after feeding the Young Single Adults yesterday, I came home to a full Rice Cooker.  I had neglected to take the Rice with me. So, I had a lot of rice and not many mouths here who would eat it.  Just and FYI, Rooster Senior will not eat rice without a sauce etc.  

Well, here is my solution, and it is important to know that this was very, very easy.

I pulled out my dehydrator. I put the inserts that I use to make fruit leather on the tray to hold the rice.  

I spread the rice on into one layer on the insert.  I left it on overnight because it needs to be very leaving it overnight would not harm it.  It would also ensure that it was very, very dry.   I had 7 trays that I filled.

Here is what the dehydrated rice looked like when I opened the Dehydrator.

This is a close-up of the dried rice.  It is really crunchy!

I 'dumped' the rice onto paper towels.  This helped me to keep it in one place as well as scoop the rice from the towel into a jar.  When I had only a few grains of rice left, I lifted the paper towel by the long edges and poured the remaining grains into the container. 

I decided to put my new "minute rice" into jars and seal them with my Food Saver.  

I plan to use the following Directions directly from the Minute Rice web page:

Cooking Directions

collapse -


ServingsRICE (cups)Water (cups)
1/2 cup uncooked rice = 1 serving (About 1 cup cooked rice)

Isn't this great?  I little 'mistake' has turned out to be a time saver for me in the future.

Try it!


  1. Do you think this would work with long grain brown rice so I could use it in the rice mixes else where on your site?

  2. I hesitate to think that it could work with brown rice as it goes rancid so quickly. I appreciate you stopping by and wish you well in making yourself some mixes. They really save time and money. Thank you for stopping by!
