Sunday, April 22, 2012

It's amazing to me......

Yes, it is amazing to me that such a little, sweet boy could do the following without any prompting.  In fact, it was his own idea.  He typed the following letter by letter:

In fact, once there, he found the following link of really fun things.  I was rather shocked that one...and then two could navigate and use my new laptop without assistance.  

I also found the following great videos there. Please see the scripture video for children here.  

I tried to open several of these on my Kindle...and some of them needed a "Flash" player...which I was unsuccessful at downloading on my Kindle.  So, for fun....this would be a great Sunday activity or use in Family Home Evening using your laptop or desk top.  These are great teaching tools!  

Check them out!  If a 7 year-old can get there by can you!

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