Friday, May 20, 2011

Believe it or not......

Image Courtesy of Google Search
For most of us, life is an endurance event with episodes of calm, but primarily episodes of 'busy'. Lately, we have had lots of 'busy' to the extreme.  In the period of time of a few weeks, we have or will have the following opportunities (no kidding here...):
  • Celebrating a Landmark Birthday (which included flying adult children in from across the country, planning a weekend out of town and a very large surprise party for the Rooster of the an out of town location).
  • Going to Disneyland for a week with cute grandchildren and several of my adult children (By the way, the "World of Color" event is spectacular....catch it if you can).
  • Severe and multiple deadlines at work (job #1).
  • Preparing for Rooster Junior to leave on his mission which includes shopping, gathering, planning, figuring some things out....and trying to teach Rooster Junior why he really needs all the things on the list!
  • Working with a fabulous Relief Society Committee to put on a significant Weekday Activity on Emergency Preparedness.
  • Helping my Niece (and my sister) with tasks and planning for her upcoming wedding.  Some brides just can get stuck in the details...and don't know how to move forward. Enter my wonderful daughter who also helped in this process.  (It is really fun to spend other people's money....)
  • Working to keep a major contract happy in our family business.
  • Working to get a new contract with another entity with our family business,.
  • Finishing up a school year and all that is associated with that (my second 'job').
  • Welcoming home our Marine Son-in-Law from a deployment for less than 12 hours before he was sent out of state.
  • Consoling and helping my youngest (and very pregnant daughter) with an upcoming move out of state to join her husband. 
  • Finding time to get a Crown for a tooth I broke somehow.
  • Attending the County Organizing Committee Convention as a County Delegate.
  • Trying to not stray to far away from my diet....and not inviting the unwanted pounds back!
  • Covering at the hospital on the weekend (I was called in) and having to leave my soon-to-be-missionary son while shopping for his upcoming mission.
  • Attending a Wedding Sealing.
  • Helping with food and decorating tasks for a Wedding reception.
  • Attending the Wedding reception.
  • Attending 2 showers for my daughter who is expecting.
  • Being invited to High School Graduations for Nieces and Nephews.
  • Helping to shop for needed items for a Nephew who we will be picking up from the Airport and taking to the MTC.
  • A baby blessing of a sweet great nephew.
  • Being given the news of another sweet grandchild coming to join our family.
  • Helping with 2 major committees by reviewing research articles and making suggestions to shape service delivery patterns for the company (state-wide).
  • Hosting an on-line training meeting for all of the good folks who work with us in our family business.
  • Being invited to Wedding receptions for colleagues and young folks in our ward.
  • Getting and delivering birthday greetings and gifts for my Grandson and my Daughter-in-law
  • Finding a needed therapeutic item for a colleague.
  • Payroll
  • Attending a CPR class
  • Helping a colleague gather needed items to submit for her licensure.  Renewing both of my licenses. 
  • Writing a letter of recommendation for a former Graduate Student...twice as the company she was applying to lost it.  Note to self...keep a copy of....everything!
  • Helping son-to-be-missionary label and pack his needed items......buying another suitcase to hold it all.
  • Ordering a bike for soon-to-be-missionary on-line (Thanks for doing this Rooster!)
  • Trying to keep my plants alive until I have enough time to plant them in the between rain storms.
  • Having 5 puppies in the house one day and the next day....all are gone to new homes (I can't take any credit for was all my daughter's doing).
  • Being invited to write a post as a 'guest blogger' for a really fine blog that I respect.
  • My father having to have emergency surgery....out of town.
  • Preparing for a family gathering/meal after Rooster Junior gives his farewell talk on Sunday. (Note to self, put tissues in purse....)
  • Trying to keep my composure knowing that soon my babies will all be out of the nest.
With so many good and blessed people, events, and learning experiences as of late, I am reminded of the following:

"Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great."

— Doctrine Covenants 64:33

 (I hope that I not only "make it" but do it well...and I am grateful for the journey)


  1. that list doesn't seem long enough. Let me see what I can do to add to that list.... ;)

    you must be bored now that it is mostly accomplished.

  2. I'm sure you would have several things that you would like to list....and we will just have to see about that:)
