Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go......"

Today was the fateful day. Previously, I mentioned that Rooster Junior had been called to serve his mission in the great state of Texas. Today, he was scheduled to enter the Missionary Training Center in Provo Utah.  He was so ready to go, but was a bit nervous as well.  We took a lot of pictures....much to his chagrin, but I will only share a few here. 

The above scene is as you drive into the Missionary Training Center. They greet you, put a colored post-it note on your windshield and then ask you to pull forward. As you drive along the road above, they direct you to a specific place to pull to the curb.  As you do so, you are met by several Elder's with a "Host" tag. 

The luggage is unloaded.

Hugs were given and sweet words of love and appreciation are shared.

Finally, the "Host" Elders lead your beloved missionary away from the curb and into the Missionary Training Center.  You then drive away, wiping your tears along the way. 

Oh, and I found the following to be a funny "Only in Utah" moment.

Here our son is loading his bags into the trunk. Take a look over his right shoulder between the trees......can you see the sign?

Here is a better view of the sign. Today, our neighbors are welcoming their missionary son home.  Isn't life funny?


  1. How wonderful for you!! We could not take our son to the MTC, but had to drop him off at the airport. I imagine that either way is a melancholy experience.
    Our son is serving in Washington. He just left in April.
    Love the sign!
    I have started a blog for my son:
    I thought I would post updates there, then after his mission, I will have it printed into a book as a keepsake. I still am needing ideas of what to put in the blog! But thought you might like that idea for your son.
    Again, congratulations! and I will add another missionary to my prayers. :)

  2. Thank you so much for you kind words. I hope your missionary is safe and very successful. We too will add another missionary to our prayer list. I have considered a blog for our son as so many people want to know/hear about his experiences. Thanks for taking a moment to console this happy, but tearful mother. I appreciate it!

  3. Congrats to you, missionary mom! My son is returning home from his mission in Sweden this summer, and our next son is leaving later this year for his. Where in Texas is your boy headed? We live in Houston.
    I enjoy your blog so much and thank you sincerely for all your good advice!

  4. a blog sounds cool. I could make a header for you. :)

  5. Amy and Shay,

    Thank you for your thoughts! He will be serving in the Houston South Mission and is really looking forward to arriving in TX. Best wishes to both of your missionaries. You must be so pleased with their decisions.

    I had thought of a blog before....and since I have some experience with blogging, I thought that this might be the vehicle I would use.
