Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Donations In Memory of Bishop Sannar

Many of you know of the tragic loss of Bishop Clay Sannar on Sunday when he was killed in the LDS Church Building where he served.  He leaves behind a family of 6 boys ranging in age between 14 years to 6 months. 

An opportunity to donate to the Sannar family has been established.  The goal is to raise $10,000.00 for each of Sanar's sons.  If you are in a position to help this family, please see the following:

Online Contributionshttp://pledgie.com/campaigns/12975

By mail:  For those who would like to contribute by mail, the family has established a trust fund, and donations can be sent to: The Sannar Family Trust Fund, PO Box 3328, Visalia, CA 93278

Deseret News Article

KSL Link

"We have learned of the shooting incident in Visalia, California today which has taken the life of Bishop Clay Sannar. At this tragic time, our thoughts and prayers are with the Sannar family and all who knew Bishop Sannar," said church spokesman Scott Trotter.

Monday, August 30, 2010

When Training kicks in......

(Image courtesy of medicfirstaid.com)

Having worked in the medical environment... for a really long time now, I have had to attend training for CPR, Rescue Breathing, etc over and over again.  I have to admit that I have daydreamed during some of it as it is......redundant.  When your instructors tell you that your training should automatically kick in when an event arises....they aren't kidding.

Recently, I had a family member lose consciousness when we were not at home.  He told me he wasn't feeling well and that we needed to leave.  As we got up to leave, the thought came to my mind that I should get behind him and not in front of him.  Just as I turned to do this, he began to fall.  He reached for a bench and I grabbed his other arm to help him lay down without hurting himself.  He lost consciousness.  No kidding, within milliseconds, I knew what I should begin to do.  I immediately asked to someone to call 911.  I quickly checked for breathing and a pulse....which thankfully were both there.  Then I began to lift his legs and treat him for shock.  I needed help keeping him positioned to avoid shock and others quickly helped to continue to take his pulse, orient him when he awakened, etc.  Literally, this took milliseconds.  Many rushed to our aide and many offers of help ensued.  One individual did call 911 and relayed information, others went out to meet the paramedics, another took my keys to go to my house and get this family member's medications off the bathroom counter (note to self, leave home immaculate when leaving in case of an emergency), others offered to contact my other family members, etc. 

After being checked by the EMT's (and most of the Medically trained people who happened to be in the building and came because of their training....and concern....and we are so very grateful for them all), we were off to the hospital.  After running tests etc., he was released to come home with the recommendation to follow up with his physician.

Why am I sharing this with you?  Because being prepared involves being trained....ahead of time.  Did my family member and I do everything perfectly?  No!  For some crazy reason, I was without my cellphone.  This was important for several reasons, but mostly because my family member's allergies and medications were listed in my phone and I didn't have it with me.  Also, this family member has an implanted device.  He carries the identification card in his wallet....and he didn't have his wallet with him.  This situation could have turned out so much worse than it did.  In my mind, the Lord was teaching us a hard and fast lesson, "organize every needful thing". 

Also, it is a lesson in gratitude.  How thankful we are to have had so many individuals come to our aide medically, spiritually, and with love and concern.  We were very blessed to have everyone help us.  After the EMT's were finished a good neighbor let me know that they had consecrated oil if we needed it.  Another offered meals, another offered to contact other family members, others offered to take our 'stuff' home for us, and many said things like "if you need anything, please let us know". 

Let our experience help you look inwardly at the things you need to organize and prepare.  Prayerfully ask Heavenly Father about what you need to do, and listen for the promptings to help you do this.  In addition, seek training, not only for First Aid, but other needful skills. Emergencies do not give you warning, they just occur.  It is during those 'milliseconds' that you either know what to do, or don't.  I can't tell you the peace of mind I had during that brief period to know that I had the basic training to help keep my family member safe until the medical professionals could address his issues.  How grateful we are to all who came to our aide.  In so many ways, we were not only blessed during this situation, but given the opportunity to learn a very important lesson.

May the Lord bless you in your efforts to be prepared. 

Sunday, August 29, 2010

"Fall" into September's Focus Items......

I do not know where summer went!  We had to wait so long for it to come (remember the snowfall on May 24th?), that I cannot believe that we are heading into the Autumn Season.  No matter, time marches on and so should we if we don't want to be left behind!

"How on the face of the earth could a man enjoy his religion when he had been told by the Lord how to prepare for a day of famine, when, instead of doing so, he had fooled away that which would have sustained him and his family."
 (George A. Smith, JD 12:142)
It appears that President Smith did not mince words here.  However, as we have been plugging a long this year, we have made a significant improvement in our long-term storage and preparedness supplies.  I personally find peace when I don't have to worry about caring for my family as the challenges of life come crashing in. 
Here are the target items for the month:
Week #1
Week #2
Week #3
 Canned and Frozen Fruit
Week #4
Canned and Frozen Vegetables
Let's get busy!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

It's a Pocket Sewing Kit....

Have you ever tried one of those little sewing kits that you can by at Dollar Stores?  Have you ever tried to cut with those little orange-handled scissors?  Have you been camping or away from home and tried to repair something with one of those kits.  When I have used them, the thread was so inferior that it shredded or broke easily.

Here is a sweet little sewing kit that can be easily made.  I did not have to go and buy anything to make this, except for the scissors, chances are good that you may have everything on hand if you have ever sewed....anything.  It is small and fits easily into your purse, a 72 hour kit, or in the car or briefcase. 

I chose to use 2 different materials to make mine.  The colored fabrics are remnants from upholstery and drapery projects.  The white 'fabric' is actually iron-on pellon that is very thick.  This is left over from some Christmas project I did some time ago.

You can make the pattern by cutting a rectangle 5 1/2 " long and 3 1/2" wide.  Fold down 3/4" from one of the edges width-wise.  Take a bowl, lid, or cup and draw a rounded edge with that touches the fold on either side.  Cut the curve.  Cut 2 pieces of fabric if you are using the same fabric for the inside and outside.  Otherwise, cut one piece of the two fabrics you may have chosen as I have done.  Also cut one of the Pellon.

Trim 1/4" off the edges of the Pellon and lay on the underside of the fabric that will be on the inside of the kit.

Press the fusible Pellon on to the fabric with a hot iron.

Place right-sides together and sew both the long edges and the curved edge.  Leave the squared end open. 

Cut notches along the curved edge and clip the corners flanking the rounded edge. Turn the project inside out and use an instrument (used my scissors) to push the edge of the curve out.  Press the item.  Turn under the open edge by ~ 1/4 in and pin. 

I took a scrap of clear plastic (very inexpensive at the Big Box store.  I used it to cover the seat cushion in the kitchen.  You know kids and eating....).  Cut a piece that is 3 inches x 3 inches.  Tape (use masking tape to leave no residue) the edges into place that will not be sewn.  (I learned to sew one side of the velcro to the outside edge prior to applying the plastic).

Topstitch along all edges.  This will close the 4th edge and attach your plastic to the fabric.

Fold the kit as if it were finished and press hard on the bottom fold.

Open the kit and stitch along the fold that you just created.

Tape your second piece of velcro on the inside curved flap.  Topstitch the piece in place and then remove the tape.  I used this same method to place the opposite piece of velcro on the outside edge.

You know those little ziploc bags that come with one button when you buy a garment?  Well, let's put that little bag to good use.

Place a few buttons, a couple of safety pins, and a needle threader inside.

Cut a piece of 2 1/2" x 1 1/4" of card stock (again, a scrap from something else I was doing).  On opposite sides of the long sides of the piece cut slits up to 1/4" deep.

I went to my trusty thread rack and choose several basic colors of thread.  Wrap the different colored thread around the card and weave in between the slits as in the photo above. Notice the lovely ends of thread.  Ensure that both ends of the thread start and stop on the back side of the card.

Put the front side of the card down.  Tape all the loose ends to the back of the card with scotch tape.

Cut another piece of card stock with the following dimensions:  1 3/4" x 1".  Insert 2 needles.

Fold the Ziploc bag in half and slide into one plastic pocket.  Slide the thread card and the needle card into the other pocket.

Insert a small pair of embroidery scissors.  They are sharp and will not fail you when you are needing to make a repair when you are not at home.  I bought these scissors in a set of 3 from a big box store for ~$7.00.  That makes the price of these scissors ~ $2.30.

And here it is.  It's hard to believe that this small kit, with finished measurements of 3" x 1 3/4", holds all of the items listed above.  I thought about putting a little bow on the flap....but I don't have a scrap piece of ribbon to match....and I am not going to go out just buy that!

This did not take a long time to make.  It took longer for me as I was shooting photos and trying to get appropriate shots.  As mentioned before, this fits easily into your purse, briefcase, 72 hour kit, and vehicle.  It is inexpensive and very functional.  It would make a great gift for someone as well.

Get out your scraps, and start putting it together!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wisdom from the past........

(Image courtesy of dahldreams.com)

"A Government big enough to give you everything,
is big enough to take it away" - Thomas Jefferson

With the political season beginning to build up steam, take time to learn about the issues and those running for office.  We have been given a sacred duty to protect the sacred freedoms that were granted when this country was founded.  Please do not leave decision-making powers to anyone but yourself!  Self determination was the 'plan' when the Lord inspired these valiant men to make such a bold experiment in forming our Republic.

Get informed now!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

It's a matter of....a Patriarchal Blessing

(Image courtesy of the Salamandersociety)

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we have a belief that Patriach's exist even today.  These special Priesthood holders have a specific call to spiritually prepare and be the instrument of theLord to receive inspiration & convey not only the lineage, but blessings and opporutnities that are available to worthy members in an individualized manner.  This blessing is recorded and printed for the recipient and a copy is recorded in the Church Records.  These are sacred and personal, and are not to be treated lightly.  From the early days of the world, the Lord has provided Patriachs to bless the lives of his children. 

The LRH has had the opportuntiy to be present at all of the Patriarchal Blessings giving to her children.  Last night was no exception.  Our Rooster Jr. received this sacred and important blessing from our Stake Patriarch.  Each blessing given to my children, has been a sacred event.  Last night, our Patriarch spent nearly an hour interviewing our son and then going into great detail about the Birthrite and Abraham's Lineage.  As he related the history and interjected questions for my son, I could fill in the blanks myself with the proper names and events.  However, I learned a great deal about the entire Abrahmic Covenant and the 12 tribes.  I had heard most of the pieces of the story before, but having them tied altogether was a tremendous experience in itself.  After relating all of this history, the Patriarch then informed my son that it may be possible that his lineage is not that of his parents, but that will be linked to one of the lines of the 12 tribes.  That was one of the primary reasons for the history lesson.

The blessing itself was extremely powerful.  There was not a dry eye in the room.  Our son has been promised great things in his future, and we look forward to watching his life unfold as he makes his choices.  I was particularly impressed with the 'gifts' that he had been blessed with, and one that will be a blessing not only for him, but our entire family.  He is preparing to serve a mission in the future, and with such a powerful blessing, I will be excited to see his course.

What a tremendous blessing has been afforded us to have our own Patriarchal Blessing.  It is a path, should we choose it, to great blessings and happiness.  As a parent, it is a source of appreciation and joy. 

I think I will review mine, so that I can remind myself of the gifts and blessings that may be available to me....if I choose it well.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It's a matter of.....Basic Sewing Stitches

(Image courtesy of http://0.tqn.com/d/diyfashion/)

With our focus being upon obtaining a Sewing Kit this week, I thought it would be most helpful to review some basic stiches.

(Image courtesy of http://www.sewdresses.com/)

Okay, so you see the stitches, when and what do you use them for?  Check out these links for more information!




Get a scrap of material, and while you are watching a favorite show, try some of these.  You need to practice so that you can use the stitches when you need them.  Traditionally, they won't be pretty at first, but after a few stitches, you will get the hang of it!  Impress you family and friends!  It is surprising how much people marvel when you can quickly fix a garment.....because many of them have never seen it done.  Increase your self-reliance skills while showing your family and the Lord that you are thankful for the goodness that you have been blessed with.

Stitch away....Today!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

It's week #4 in August, and our target item is....a Sewing Kit

(Image courtesy of the Deseretnews.com)

"I sometimes wish every girl had access to a sewing
machine and training in how to use it."
(Gordon B Hinckley, "Stay on the High Road", 2004)

I happened to be in attendance in the Conference Center when he spoke these words to the Young Women of the Church during the Young Women's broadcast.  I was with my daughter, who had previously and patiently allowed me to show her how to sew some basic articles.  I was glad I had taught both of my daughters how to sew.  My motto was "When you leave here, you will know how to sew.  Whether you use it or not, that is up to you".  My oldest married daughter has used her sewing skills for upholstery and curtains.  The youngest (also married) daughter has used her sewing skills for quilting with friends.

In The Latter-day Saint Woman: Basic Manual for Women, Part A; Home Production Lesson on Self Reliance, it states the following.....

We should learn to sew and mend our own clothing. To be prepared for a time of need, we should also learn how to remake old clothing. It is a good idea to store materials for making clothing in case none are available. We can learn to make many items in addition to clothing: bedding, window and floor coverings, towels, tablecloths, and furniture upholstery or coverings. We can also learn other skills such as weaving, quilting, knitting, crocheting, and other needlecrafts. All of these can beautify our clothing and homes.   

So, let's see what you should consider putting into your basic sewing kit:

Pins:  Straight Pins, Safety Pins, and Quilting Pins.

Scissors:  I have fabric shears and two sets of smaller sheers for embroidery etc.
Measuring Tape:  To determine hems, and to obtain body measurements to determine the correct sized pattern you may need.
Needles:  Sewing Machine needs from delicate to heavy fabrics.  I even have a winged needle (middle-top item) to use when I want to pierce the edges of fabric for baby blankets.  I use it to help me embroider around them.  And finally hand needs for small embroidery all the way up to upholstery needles.
I have Needle Threaders (red), and samples of embroidery floss and spools of thread.  I do not store all of my thread and floss in my sewing kit, just a few samples.
The Rotary cutter is used for quilting. The bottle of "Fray no more" is very helpful.  Put a drop on a fraying thread on a garment or on the end of a seam to keep it from coming apart.  Finally, in recently years I have had to add a Magnifying glass.....
I have different types of elastic for sewing projects or repairing garments.
Include an assortment of buttons for all types of garments.
I keep Velcro because you never know when you will need a piece.  Also, I keep a roll of "Stitch-Witchery" which fuses two pieces of fabric together with a hot iron.  When you are in a hurry and need to fix a hem quickly, this is a great option to have.  I have also included a marking pencil, a crochet hook (and I have others), and finally a gadget that helps me make Bias Tape.
I also have included "Hook and Eyes", a Thimble, and a Seam ripper.  The Seam Ripper helps you take part seams without harming the fabric.
I place it all in my basket.
Include the top tray.
....and house it in this well worn sewing basket that I received as a gift years ago. 
This is my home sewing kit.  We will talk more about other kits for 72-hour kits, your purse, etc later in the week.
Happy Sewing!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Cooking with the Tulsi Hybrid Solar Oven...

On a recent family outing, I decided to use my Tulsi-Hybrid Solar Oven to help me make dinner for 11 people.  I decided to make a Roast, and here is how it was accomplished.

Because I wanted easy clean-up, I used a disposable pan and cooking magic bags.  I later discovered that this pan was reflecting the sun-rays away, so we placed a piece of dark fabric under the cooking magic bag to help absorb the heat.

Place about a Tablespoon of flour in the bag and shake it around.

Place the bag into the pan.

I placed the roasts in the bag.

I shook Onion Soup mix on top and sliced mushrooms.

Place your Solar Oven in the direct sunlight.

Place the pan into the oven.  Again, I had to place dark fabric (okay, it was a black T-shirt) to cover the pan so that it can absorb the heat.

Watch your Thermostat, here the temperature is just beginning to rise after I placed it in the Sun.  In this case, after about an hour, feathery clouds came rolling in.  That is why I chose this Solar Oven.  I plugged it in to help sustain a constant, safe temperature.  According to the manual, it usually takes twice as much time to cook in the solar oven as it does a conventional oven.

This is a very easy unit to use.  I am trying to practice with it so that I am more adept at it.  By the way, there were no complaints about the Roast at dinner time!