Monday, August 30, 2010

When Training kicks in......

(Image courtesy of

Having worked in the medical environment... for a really long time now, I have had to attend training for CPR, Rescue Breathing, etc over and over again.  I have to admit that I have daydreamed during some of it as it is......redundant.  When your instructors tell you that your training should automatically kick in when an event arises....they aren't kidding.

Recently, I had a family member lose consciousness when we were not at home.  He told me he wasn't feeling well and that we needed to leave.  As we got up to leave, the thought came to my mind that I should get behind him and not in front of him.  Just as I turned to do this, he began to fall.  He reached for a bench and I grabbed his other arm to help him lay down without hurting himself.  He lost consciousness.  No kidding, within milliseconds, I knew what I should begin to do.  I immediately asked to someone to call 911.  I quickly checked for breathing and a pulse....which thankfully were both there.  Then I began to lift his legs and treat him for shock.  I needed help keeping him positioned to avoid shock and others quickly helped to continue to take his pulse, orient him when he awakened, etc.  Literally, this took milliseconds.  Many rushed to our aide and many offers of help ensued.  One individual did call 911 and relayed information, others went out to meet the paramedics, another took my keys to go to my house and get this family member's medications off the bathroom counter (note to self, leave home immaculate when leaving in case of an emergency), others offered to contact my other family members, etc. 

After being checked by the EMT's (and most of the Medically trained people who happened to be in the building and came because of their training....and concern....and we are so very grateful for them all), we were off to the hospital.  After running tests etc., he was released to come home with the recommendation to follow up with his physician.

Why am I sharing this with you?  Because being prepared involves being trained....ahead of time.  Did my family member and I do everything perfectly?  No!  For some crazy reason, I was without my cellphone.  This was important for several reasons, but mostly because my family member's allergies and medications were listed in my phone and I didn't have it with me.  Also, this family member has an implanted device.  He carries the identification card in his wallet....and he didn't have his wallet with him.  This situation could have turned out so much worse than it did.  In my mind, the Lord was teaching us a hard and fast lesson, "organize every needful thing". 

Also, it is a lesson in gratitude.  How thankful we are to have had so many individuals come to our aide medically, spiritually, and with love and concern.  We were very blessed to have everyone help us.  After the EMT's were finished a good neighbor let me know that they had consecrated oil if we needed it.  Another offered meals, another offered to contact other family members, others offered to take our 'stuff' home for us, and many said things like "if you need anything, please let us know". 

Let our experience help you look inwardly at the things you need to organize and prepare.  Prayerfully ask Heavenly Father about what you need to do, and listen for the promptings to help you do this.  In addition, seek training, not only for First Aid, but other needful skills. Emergencies do not give you warning, they just occur.  It is during those 'milliseconds' that you either know what to do, or don't.  I can't tell you the peace of mind I had during that brief period to know that I had the basic training to help keep my family member safe until the medical professionals could address his issues.  How grateful we are to all who came to our aide.  In so many ways, we were not only blessed during this situation, but given the opportunity to learn a very important lesson.

May the Lord bless you in your efforts to be prepared. 


  1. We are so grateful things turned out okay. You are a wise woman, and this blog is great! I look forward to using more of it's treasures in the future! I see also where Shay gets her gift for writing!

  2. Thank you Becky. We are very glad things are going well and know it could have been quite different.

    And, yes, we have the gift of gab in our family. I hope all is well with you and your family.

  3. It is amazing how we cope when things go wrong. My dad had a cardiac faint last year and yes many things were not done right. However I had a list of all his meds and conditions and was able to hand over the card and send him off to a hospital. We were miles and miles from home. The worst thing was that they had a breakdown with the ambulance twice.

  4. Thank you so much for your comment. I hope your father's needs were met and that you have him around to bless your life.
