Saturday, August 28, 2010

It's a Pocket Sewing Kit....

Have you ever tried one of those little sewing kits that you can by at Dollar Stores?  Have you ever tried to cut with those little orange-handled scissors?  Have you been camping or away from home and tried to repair something with one of those kits.  When I have used them, the thread was so inferior that it shredded or broke easily.

Here is a sweet little sewing kit that can be easily made.  I did not have to go and buy anything to make this, except for the scissors, chances are good that you may have everything on hand if you have ever sewed....anything.  It is small and fits easily into your purse, a 72 hour kit, or in the car or briefcase. 

I chose to use 2 different materials to make mine.  The colored fabrics are remnants from upholstery and drapery projects.  The white 'fabric' is actually iron-on pellon that is very thick.  This is left over from some Christmas project I did some time ago.

You can make the pattern by cutting a rectangle 5 1/2 " long and 3 1/2" wide.  Fold down 3/4" from one of the edges width-wise.  Take a bowl, lid, or cup and draw a rounded edge with that touches the fold on either side.  Cut the curve.  Cut 2 pieces of fabric if you are using the same fabric for the inside and outside.  Otherwise, cut one piece of the two fabrics you may have chosen as I have done.  Also cut one of the Pellon.

Trim 1/4" off the edges of the Pellon and lay on the underside of the fabric that will be on the inside of the kit.

Press the fusible Pellon on to the fabric with a hot iron.

Place right-sides together and sew both the long edges and the curved edge.  Leave the squared end open. 

Cut notches along the curved edge and clip the corners flanking the rounded edge. Turn the project inside out and use an instrument (used my scissors) to push the edge of the curve out.  Press the item.  Turn under the open edge by ~ 1/4 in and pin. 

I took a scrap of clear plastic (very inexpensive at the Big Box store.  I used it to cover the seat cushion in the kitchen.  You know kids and eating....).  Cut a piece that is 3 inches x 3 inches.  Tape (use masking tape to leave no residue) the edges into place that will not be sewn.  (I learned to sew one side of the velcro to the outside edge prior to applying the plastic).

Topstitch along all edges.  This will close the 4th edge and attach your plastic to the fabric.

Fold the kit as if it were finished and press hard on the bottom fold.

Open the kit and stitch along the fold that you just created.

Tape your second piece of velcro on the inside curved flap.  Topstitch the piece in place and then remove the tape.  I used this same method to place the opposite piece of velcro on the outside edge.

You know those little ziploc bags that come with one button when you buy a garment?  Well, let's put that little bag to good use.

Place a few buttons, a couple of safety pins, and a needle threader inside.

Cut a piece of 2 1/2" x 1 1/4" of card stock (again, a scrap from something else I was doing).  On opposite sides of the long sides of the piece cut slits up to 1/4" deep.

I went to my trusty thread rack and choose several basic colors of thread.  Wrap the different colored thread around the card and weave in between the slits as in the photo above. Notice the lovely ends of thread.  Ensure that both ends of the thread start and stop on the back side of the card.

Put the front side of the card down.  Tape all the loose ends to the back of the card with scotch tape.

Cut another piece of card stock with the following dimensions:  1 3/4" x 1".  Insert 2 needles.

Fold the Ziploc bag in half and slide into one plastic pocket.  Slide the thread card and the needle card into the other pocket.

Insert a small pair of embroidery scissors.  They are sharp and will not fail you when you are needing to make a repair when you are not at home.  I bought these scissors in a set of 3 from a big box store for ~$7.00.  That makes the price of these scissors ~ $2.30.

And here it is.  It's hard to believe that this small kit, with finished measurements of 3" x 1 3/4", holds all of the items listed above.  I thought about putting a little bow on the flap....but I don't have a scrap piece of ribbon to match....and I am not going to go out just buy that!

This did not take a long time to make.  It took longer for me as I was shooting photos and trying to get appropriate shots.  As mentioned before, this fits easily into your purse, briefcase, 72 hour kit, and vehicle.  It is inexpensive and very functional.  It would make a great gift for someone as well.

Get out your scraps, and start putting it together!


  1. Do you ever make these to sell? I have no sewing machine... :( But like it... :) Thanks Karmen

  2. Karmen:

    I am glad you like the is pretty sweet. I am flattered that you asked about selling it, but currently I am not. I hope you find a friend who can help you craft one for yourself. Thank you for stopping by!
