Thursday, August 27, 2009

It's a matter of ......making your views known

(Image courtesy of

Congress will be back in session in less than 7 days. There are many very heated and emotional pieces of legislation that are being introduced and lobbied hard for. Our Country has the opportunity to be free as long as we, "the people", live worthy and elect representation that vote for policies and laws that support the eternal principals of our Father in Heaven.

Study the issues, and do it now. If ever there was a time that we cannot sleep or be silent, it is now. If you don't know where to learn about specific issues beyond the mainstream media....just do an Internet search. You will find a wealth of sites that can provide you with the information you are seeking.

Pray, and pray hard about the issues, particularly those that will alter the fabric of our nation. Seek the guidance from Heavenly Father and listen for the "Still Small Voice".

Then act....and act now. I am providing you with the names of Utah's legislators in Washington. (In our area, we are represented by Senator Hatch, Senator Bennett, and Representative Matheson).

Put the phone numbers in your cell phone. I think the LRH has called these gentlemen more often this year than I ever have. When I have an issue, I just take a moment (during lunch, on my way to work, after reading/viewing information about an issue, etc) and call. The individuals answering the phones are very courteous. Even though many issues are highly charged, please be courteous as well.

When you call, give your name and address so that they know that you really are their constituent. Your voice will have more weight. I have read that each call, letter, or fax represents the voice of 500 people. I wish I could get an investment to give me such a return.

Please search, ponder, and pray.....and act. Your voice is needed at this critical time.

Senator Orrin G. Hatch (R- UT)
DC Phone 202-224-5251
DC FAX 202-224-6331
Senator Bob Bennett (R- UT)
DC Phone 202-224-5444
DC FAX 202-228-1168
Representative Rob Bishop (R - 01)
DC Phone 202-225-0453
DC FAX 202-225-5857
Representative Jim Matheson (D - 02)
DC Phone 202-225-3011
DC FAX 202-225-5638
Representative Jason Chaffetz (R - 03)
DC Phone 202-225-7751
DC FAX 202-225-5629

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