Friday, August 28, 2009

Announcement from the Lindon Family Cannery

I recieved this notice from the Lindon Family Cannery. The announcement reads as follows:

We have begun getting phone calls concerning Family Canning for Fall 2009.

We are currently doing our 2009 peach welfare assignments. These assignments come through your stake leaders to the wards. Peaches are not done for family canning. It is only by supporting your stake in filling their assignment—if they have one, that you might have an opportunity to purchase peaches from the Cannery.

There won’t be a 2009 Fall Family Canning schedule since they are closing down the Wet Pack side of the Welfare Services Center, after the peaches are finished, to update our electrical system and add some new equipment to the processing floor. This will be a good thing once it is done. So…we sacrifice our fall family canning for a better spring schedule in 2010 and beyond.

We don’t know what we will be canning or exactly when it will happen, especially with the remodel. Remember the welfare assignments take precedence. Welfare canning is why the Wet Pack Cannery is here.

We still don’t know if we will be able to can any meat.