Sunday, January 3, 2016

It's a Matter of Cutting Cinnamon Roll Dough...with a Twist

I love Cinnamon Rolls.....don't you?  Making them takes some time, but the end result is such a reward.  I recently was spending time with my sweet Mother. She was making Cinnamon Rolls.  I had forgotten about a technique she uses to cut her rolls.  Without using this technique, you rolls can be flat and misshapen.  Are you ready to learn from the best? 

Cutting Cinnamon Rolls with....Dental Floss:

After preparing the dough, brushing with butter and placing your cinnamon-sugar it is time to roll and cut your rolls.  My Mother states that you carefully roll you dough and pinch the edges together.  Shape the roll into a nice even roll.

My Mother takes a length of....Dental Floss.  That's right, dental floss.  Slide it under the roll to the desired width of the roll you desire.

Cross the ends over each other at the top of the roll.

See the crossed dental floss at the top? Pull the string at both ends and cut the roll.  

See the beautiful slice?

See how beautiful they look when they are placed on the cookie sheet?

Try it!


  1. Hi,
    I found your blog while researching ways to can butter. I have had a lot of concerns about the safety etc of canning your own butter and liked the content you put out because it made a lot of sense. I tried the link you had to the prepare to look further into it and saw that that website no longer exists. Do you still can your own butter? Have you had any problems with it? I would appreciate some feedback because like you, I like to find new ways to prepare but do not want to do anything that might put my family in harms way.

    Amanda Harrison

  2. Hi Amanda:

    Although your question pertains to a different post, I will attempt to answer your question. I can only answer for my family. We have no experienced any difficulty using the butter preserved with pressure canning. I have also noticed the the link from the original source is not active and despite my search I cannot locate the original site. I have found this to be a convenient item to have on many occasions.

    As always, you should do what you feel is best for your family. Thank you for taking the time to leave a message!
