Tuesday, February 25, 2014

New Pricing from the Home Storage Centers (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)

Image courtesy of lds.org
There has been 'a lot' of information regarding the Home and Family Storage Centers (offered by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) as of late. There has also been a lot of confusion as to what you can get, can, order etc.

There are 2 distinct opportunities to order product:

There is a new pricing list for Packaged and Bulk Products that was published as of February 1, 2014

The second option is Home Storage Centers with Opportunities to Package Products (selected locations). This was also published as of 2/1/14

If you are wondering where the facilities that you can package your own are located, look here.

I also love how 'current' the church is with their media.  They have QR codes for each of these forms!

For the Price List for Prepackaged foods.

For the Price List for Packaging your own product. 

At any rate, there are still foods that you can purchase through the Home Storage Centers.  If you would like more information, please go here.


  1. I think there is a packaging location in Portland, Oregon also. I have been there but it has been a long time since I was there. I am hoping to go back soon so I hope it is still open.

  2. Any in Massachusetts?

  3. You can locate a Home Storage Center by going to http://providentliving.org/self-reliance/food-storage/home-storage-center-locations?lang=eng. For your information, there is a center in Worcester. Good luck! Thank you for stopping by:)
