Sunday, March 10, 2013

Looking to enter the water's of baptism.....

We had a great time this weekend.  Not only did we get to "fly away" from home, but we were able to be present when one of our grandchildren was baptized.  In the above photo, everyone was checking out the Baptismal Font prior to the service.  You can imagine how intriguing this is to a sweet 8-year-old.  

The Baptism program was done so well, I really wanted to share their 'program' with you. The Stake Primary was in charge of planning the Baptism program.  Six children were being Baptized.  I was asked to be the Chorister, so I arrived early to learn what songs we would be singing.  A member of the Stake Primary Presidency was kind enough to explain their process.

They were sooooooo organized.  I was given a White binder.  Inside the binder were tabs.  The first tab was the Opening Song with a copy of  Baptism (#100) behind the tab. Another tab had a listing of other songs and hymns that were to be sung during the waiting period after the baptism, but before the confirmation (see the list below).  The program was well organized so that everyone knew what was happening and when.  

While I was being oriented, my Grandson and his father were having their photo taken in front of a picture of the Savior.  Then, this sweet form entitled "Baptismal Covenant" was signed.  My Son-in-Law signed on two lines, one for the person performing the Baptism and a second for Confirmation.  The other signatures were from a member of the Stake Presidency who was presiding and a member of the Stake Primary Presidency.  My sweet Grandson decided to put his 'John Hancock" on the form as well.  The photo was printed out and attached to the form during the service!  I was so impressed by this.  

The Opening exercises were held in the Chapel and began with the song Baptism (#100), Prayer, welcome and a talk about Baptism including pictures about the Savior's Baptism.  A special musical number by 2 children (another of my sweet grandson's!) was offered.  We then moved to another room where the Baptismal Font was located.  

After the Baptism, the congregation sang the following while we waited for the children to change and return with their fathers.  (These songs were either printed in order and by hymn number, or had the lyrics to the songs from the Children's Song Book printed on the back of the program).

Afterwards, a talk about the Holy Ghost was given, and then the children were confirmed by their Father's.  A member of the Bishopric gave remarks as did the member of the Stake Presidency.  Each child was given their copy of the Baptismal Covenant and a small gift box that contains small cards with spiritual thoughts on them.

The Closing song was When I Am Baptized (#103) and was sung by the congregation.  

As with anything well organized, there were 'behind the scenes' things that occurred. Each family was given a specific time to come and get their Baptismal clothes, each spaced 5 minutes apart.  This kept the line moving and reverent.

If you are wondering what the Baptismal Covenant said, I found the following download with many different options from the Idea Door.  

It was well organized, efficient, and memorable.  It is a special day I think we all will remember, including those who were not of our faith who were invited to witness.

I just thought you might like to know!


  1. I love reading your blog and all the good ideas you share. I thought the baptism ideas were great- especially the binder with baptism songs. I was just released from a primary presidency. We wanted to give something to the recently baptized children, but when we looked in the church handbook it said primary leaders should not give a gift to the children who are getting baptized. So we didn't give anything at all. Now as I think about it, I think that maybe the purpose of that is to keep the focus on the gifts they receive from the Savior- forgiveness and the gifts of the Holy Ghost.

  2. Thank you Leslie, I appreciate your insight.
