Wednesday, March 6, 2013

In the Service of the Lord....

There has been significant amount of excitement around our neighborhood and our quiet little town.  There is also a lot of media poking it's head around from the New York Times, to other national media outlets. Why you might ask?  Well, the Basketball team from Lone Peak High School just won the state championship.  "Big Deal" you might say, and if I didn't know the situation like I do, those would be my words as well.

This team not only won nearly every game (season wins 26/27) they played in the league, but also games across the United States.  They are rumored to be ranked the number one High School Team in the Country.  Is it a big deal yet?

Add to that the fact that they don't just win, they dominate and often win their games with double digits.  Is it a big deal yet?

To me, as great as their accomplishments are, what is even greater are the commitments of the 5 Seniors on the team.  You may be thinking of College recruiters and scholarships. There are plenty of those, but that is not the big deal in my view.

So what is the big  I am grateful that we have such tremendous youth in our area.  They are supported by their families,  friends, congregations and the school.  Be you should.

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