Sunday, October 28, 2012

Goblins Halloween!

Scary?  Not necessarily.  What is it?  Let's look!

This little "guy" comes from a pattern called "Goblin Greetings" by Gayle Lambert.  (Her website has great can find it here!)  I happened to be perusing a quaint local quilt store when I saw this pattern.  I had to buy it.  It wasn't until I got home that I realized that my friend and neighbor is the creator of this adorable quilt pattern.  

I didn't want to cut the original, so I made a copy and cut out all of the pieces.

My daughter and I chose some very fun fabrics.   

I then cut out each pattern piece.

I followed the instructions until all the pieces were in place.  

I also sewed buttons on for the eyes.  Isn't he cute!

Because this is a "Trick-or-Treat" bag, I only used Nylon Thread to do the applique work around the edges.  That way, I only had to use one thread, it's durable, and it doesn't show.

Decide the size of the bag you wish and cut sturdy fabric to size (or sew the design on to a purchased bag).   I sandwiched the 'monster' between both  squares and sewed the sides and bottom.  When I turn it inside out, I had a bag with a rough edge on top.  I cut a lining that of the same size.  I then sewed the side seams together only.  I cut handles out of ribbon and sewed them in place.  I sewed the top edge of the bag and the lining together.  Put the lining inside the bag to make sure it fits.  Then pull the lining out and sew the bottom edge together (I used my serger to make it quick!).

Top Stitch the upper edge...and you are done!  Aren't they adorable?

For more quilting ideas, go see what Gayle has put together.

Happy Halloween!!!!  

(I have condensed this post to protect the designers specific instructions.  I can, however, tell you that this is an adorable pattern that any beginning or intermediate sewer can do.  Visit Gayle's site for more cute patterns),  

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