Wednesday, May 30, 2012

LDS Preparedness Manual 2012 from AVOW

Image courtesy of

This is an amazing offer from Another Voice of Warning (AVOW).  Currently, they are offer their LDS Preparedness Manual!  It is very comprehensive, and worth taking a look at. You can also purchase it in hard copy for just under $20.00.    There is also a second manual (for purchase) for Wards and Stakes.

To download or find out more about this current opportunity, please go to this link.  

I would encourage you to take advantage of this very generous offer!


  1. Thanks for posting the link to our new manual.

  2. I was able to upload it to my eReader. Eventually I'd like to print out a hard copy for reference, but having it on my device makes it very easy to read through a little at a time. It's a great manual; I have read most of it. And it's free!
