Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Is it cold outside?

I took this picture in a Museum in Sunriver Oregon while on a family vacation.  Don't you just love the designs and dyes?  Thankfully, we are not required to sheer the sheep and make such beautiful blankets today.

There are a variety of different types of blankets.  Certainly, we can purchase many different types...and I sure have over the years.  Some have had Star Wars, Disney, or Flower-power designs.  However, I have learned to make them over when the 'fascination' for the themed design had long since past.  Learn how to make a Duvet cover for blankets or comforters that are not longer in vogue.  I measured the blanket, added 1/2" to 3sides and 2 Inches to the fourth side.  Then I cut 2 exact pieces and sewed them up on only 3 sides.  I finished the raw edges on the fourth side and then stitched in some velcro every few inches to close the fourth side.

Pillow shams can also be made over, just unpick the back from the front, topstitch on a new front, then sew the back on again.   Simple as pie....really.

So, re-use and recycle those themed blankets and comforters....give them a second life!


  1. Wow! I totally love your blog. I found it through pinterest :) I am now subscribed to your RSS feed. Thanks for all your awesome posts.

  2. Thank you R Mom! If you have suggestions, please feel free to ask!
