Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What is a Caucus & How can I Participate?

Courtesy of wikimedia.org
If you haven't noticed, we in the United States are in the throws of the upcoming Political season.  Utah has gratefully retained its Caucus system instead of going to a Primary.  Why would I say that? It is because our Caucus system allows the grassroots to vote for it's own representatives, who them listen to candidates and their neighbors, and then vote. 

Much has been said about the 2010 cycle, particularly when it came to Senator Bob Bennett.  Organizations with funds have inferred that the grassroots really cannot or do not understand the issues, or Senator Bennett would have had the nomination again.  In my view, Primary Candidates are funded by deep pockets.  With deep pockets come inferred obligations.  So, Primary Candidates really are not elected by the grassroots, they are elected by those willing to pay for their campaign. 

Having said all that, our Caucus system is under fire.  Just pick up a newspaper or use a search engine.  Look at what happened to Colorado in just a few short election cycles.  Their grassroots system is now gone.

So, if you are a resident of Utah, I encourage you to work hard to preserve the system that has been so sacred for so long......because it works.  How can 'infiltrators' move into each precinct, influence all their neighbors, get elected (by the thousands) and vote to 'undermine' a candidate?  It would really be a logistical nightmare to do as the proponents of a Primary system propose.

Come find out what a Caucus is and learn how to be a delegate if you choose.  This is open to everyone.  Please see the information below. 

What is a Caucus & How can I Participate?

Have you ever wondered how to make your voice heard or your vote count? You’re not alone. Come to our Caucus Awareness Presentation on January 27th at 7:00 PM in the Highland Community Center (old city hall building located at 5378 W 10400 N) to find out what a caucus is, how you can use it to make the changes you want to see in your community, and how to make your voice heard and your vote count.

Learn how the Utah’s unique election process works, how to make it work for you and your neighbors, and how you can become an informed voter. We’ll discuss the roles and responsibilities of delegates and precinct officers and how you can become one. You can make a difference!

The presentation is funded by the Utah Republican Party and sponsored by your precinct. Please note, however, this is a non-partisan political meeting! Current political issues will not be discussed, nor will candidates be endorsed. Participants will learn about Utah’s basic election structure - regardless of party affiliation. This is a safe place for all curious voters who want to learn about the purpose of a caucus.

We welcome adults of voting age, which includes anyone who will be 18 on, or before, November 6, 2012. If you have recently moved here, are a new voter, or simply want to learn more about Utah’s unique system this is for you.
Protect what is preciously  yours......learn more about this amazing gift that the Utah Caucus system has to offer.

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