Friday, June 10, 2011

The Elements.....

Image  courtesy of Stock Photos

Elder Melvin J. Ballard: (he wished) “to call the attention of the Latter-day Saints, and indeed if I had the power, the attention of all the world to the fact that God is speaking through the elements. The earthquakes, the sea heaving itself beyond its bounds, bringing such dire destruction as we have seen are the voice of God crying repentance to this generation, a generation that only in part has heeded the warning voice of the servants of the Lord.” (In Conference Report, Oct. 1923, p. 31.)

Have the elements got your attention yet?

Yes, it refers to repentance....but consider that we have been commanded to provide for our families as well.  If you haven't chosen to, or are overwhelmed by the prospect to prepare.....take can do it.  It is a process that begins with a change of heart.  Make becoming more self-sufficient a matter of prayer.  Once you are 'converted' to the idea of having your food storage and emergency preparedness items, you may be surprised at how many opportunities the Lord will place before you.  Your perspective on how to accomplish this task will change and as you enjoy the journey, you will experience peace. 

So, what are the elements telling you?

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