Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Well, how was your Mother's Day?  Did anyone cook for you, give you presents or gifts?  Did you receive hugs and kisses?  Well.....if you are a should have received all this and more!

Mother's Day has unique beginnings from early Egyptian and Roman Goddesses.  England celebrated a "Mothering Day" that the English Settlers chose not to celebrate, most likely because everyday was just a struggle in survival.

More recently, Julia Ward Howe's Mother's Day Proclamaition of 1870 began the holiday we know as Mother's Day in American.  There were efforts to make July the 4th Mother's Day, but that was soundly defeated.  Another American woman, Anna M. Jarvis proposed a  Mother's Day in 1908 to remember the service of her own mother.   It was associated with her church congregation, and white carnations were given out as they were the favorite flower of her mother.   Through her efforts, President Woodrow Wilson signed Mother's Day into an national observance by 1914.

Despite how you feel about your feel about the commercialization of Mother's Day, consider the demands that you have made on your mother when you were influenced the commercialization of your childhood.  She deserves all the wonderful things you care to share.

Happy Mother's Day to every kind and worthy mother.  I will end with the wonderful words from Elder Faust:

“There is no greater good in all the world than motherhood. The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation”

James E. Faust, Ensign, Aug. 2004, 3

1 comment:

  1. Mother's Day is everyday. Yet there is one specific Day i can let the one true woman in my life know just how special she is. My mother showed me the true essence of a woman and what that woman I choose will have inside of her. I am proud to say that I have met such a Woman with the love, care, insight, and wisdom of the true Queen she is.
