Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mom! Can you help me with.....

I love Easter....don't you?  Not only for the timeless message of our Savior's Resurrection, but also for the memorable family traditions tied to the holiday.  Well, our young Roosters and Chicks have said that they might be too grown up for many of the family traditions this I wasn't planning on doing some of them.  However, last night, in a loud voice, Rooster Jr. stated that he wanted to dye Easter Eggs with his friend...and Little Chick said she wanted to do that too.  So, the question loudly yelled across the house was "Mom, Can you help me dye some eggs?"   And I could...

Since I was asked to make Deviled Eggs for our Extended Family Easter Dinner, I had several dozen in the refrigerator.  Here is how we boil them.  Put some salt (to your liking) into a pan of water.  Drop in your eggs carefully to avoid cracking.  Bring to a rolling boil, then turn the heat off (with the lid on of course) and set the timer for 20 minutes.  After the timer goes off, pour out the boiling water and submerge the eggs with cold water.  I find that I need to do this twice to make sure the eggs are cool enough to handle.

Next, boil some water (I do it in a glass measuring cup in the microwave), and fill disposable cups halfway full.  Place at least 1Tablespoon of Vinegar  in each cup.  Place food your liking into each cup and stir.

Because I like to protect my nice counter, we line it with newspaper and place the cups of dye...with spoons on the counter.

Next, go to your office or crafting supplies and pull out crayons, markers, stamps....etc. Decorate the eggs in any manner you wish!

Carefully place the eggs into the dye with a spoon and check every once in a while to see if the color is the intensity you are looking for.

When your eggs are to your them back into the egg carton for safe keeping.

Now look what some basic supplies that you probably have in your home right now can do!  Rooster Jr (and friend) and Chick Jr. did a great job!  I will really hate to crack these open tomorrow to make Deviled Eggs...

Make some memories today.....use the simple things that you already have in your food storage and pantry. 

There is no need to buy specific dye packs/pills to accomplish some little works of art!  Enjoy!

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