Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's Official....

The call came Yesterday and one of our Rooster Jr's is going south!  He will be serving in the  Texas Houston South Mission.  Mom had a hard time controlling her emotions yesterday......


  1. My son also just received his call. He will be serving in the Washington-Tacoma mission. He reports to the MTC on April 20.

    Congratulations!! It is an emotional time! I tried to bear my testimony in Relief Society the other day (fast Sunday was early because of stake conference this weekend) and just BAWLED!
    I am so PROUD of my son, no idea why I turned into a blubbering idiot when talking about his mission. :o)

  2. Congratulations to you as well! I once heard someone say that the older you get,the closer the plumbing is to the surface. That's how it is with me and my tears. I believe it is because our love for our sons and daughters runs very deep!
