Thursday, March 31, 2011

An Important Scrap of History

(Image courtesy of

Wow, a piece of history is now available through The Joseph Smith Papers project.  This is a page from the first meeting of the Relief Society.  And, through the miracle of technology, we can see it first hand.  Here is what the page says...


Book of Records.


the proceedings


The Female Relief Society of Nauvoo.

[4 lines blank]

The following appropriate frontispiece,

was found lying on an open Bible, in the room

appropriated for the Society; at its first meeting.

Written on a scrap.

“O, Lord! help our widows, and fatherless

children! So mote it be. Amen. With

the sword, and the word of truth, defend

thou them. So mote it be. Amen.”

[decorative lines]

This Book,

was politely presented to the Society by

Elder W[illard] Richards;

on the 17th of March, AD. 1842. [p. 4]

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