Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Deodorants, how to make your own..

(Image courtesy of Media.mercola.com)

When we have 'items' like our focus item this week.  I try to find options for those of you who are really adventurous.  This means, those of you who want to attempt to make these yourself.  Okay, I found some recipes on http://www.care2.com/, so here you go!

Basic Deodorant Powder

1/2 cup baking soda

1/2 cup cornstarch

A few drops essential oils such as lavender or cinnamon

Place the ingredients in a glass jar. Shake to blend. Sprinkle a light covering of the powder on a damp washcloth. Pat on. Don’t rinse.

Basic Liquid Deodorant

1/4 cup each witch hazel extract, aloe vera gel, and mineral water

1 teaspoon vegetable glycerin

A few drops antibacterial essential oils such as lavender (optional)

Combine the ingredients in a spray bottle. Shake to blend. Makes 3/4 cup

Shelf life: Indefinite

Here is a video of 'how to do it' with yet a different recipe.

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