Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What is a Relief Society Meeting Coordinator?

(Image courtesy of latterdaychatter.blogspot.com)

What is a Relief Society (Weekday) Meeting Coordinator?  Well, that was the question I asked when I was recently asked to fill this calling.  The Bishopric member was very patient with me as he attempted to explain.  With the recent change in terminology, I just hadn't realized that this calling corresponds to the former Enrichment Leader position.  You would think that someone who has served on our ward Relief Society Board for a few years now would have had a slight clue.........

Well, I decided that I needed to learn more about this quickly, so I started searching.  If you recall, Sister Julie Beck introduced the "Additional Relief Society Meeting" concept to us all in one of her fabulous talks.  I love the fact that we are to call the meetings what they are....Relief Society Meetings.  I love this quote from Sister Beck:  “It is time to get out of the entertainment business and into the business of salvation."  Did you know there were guidelines that are given to guide wards in holding these weekday meetings?  Here are some highlights from http://www.lds.org/

The Relief Society president counsels regularly with the bishop to help meet the needs of sisters. Relief Society leaders prayerfully counsel together about topics to be taught and how to teach them. Questions such as the following will bring insight during the planning process and help keep the proper focus:

What issues and problems are interfering with sisters’ preparation for the blessings of eternal life?

What do they need to learn and do in order to be strengthened?

What strengths and gifts do they have that could be used in service?

What would we like to happen in our sisters’ lives as a result of Relief Society meetings?

What are priorities for Weekday Relief Society Meetings?


Marriage and family.

Provident living and self-reliance.

Temples and family history.

Sharing the gospel.

Compassionate service.

Each of these 6 areas comprise many opportunities for learning and service.  We all can be a part and participate. 
Finally, time is a real issue.  Many of our sisters have heavy burdens that they bear.  It can sometimes be a quandary for our sisters when they have to choose between precious time with their families and these opportunities to learn and serve.  This is where good planning, great input from our sisters, and the inspiration and direction from our leaders applies.  If we are inviting you to come, please know that the meetings will be well researched and planned. 
I would like you to consider this quote from President Hinkley as he referred to the Relief Society Sisters:
"Relief Society. . . . gives [women] opportunity for growth and development. It gives them status as queens in their own households. It gives them place and position, where they grow as they exercise their talents. It gives them pride and direction in family life. It gives them added appreciation for good, eternal companions and children.

"What a glorious organization Relief Society is. There is nothing to compare with it in all the world.

"May the Lord bless each of you with these marvelous qualities that come of activity in the great Relief Society organization."  ("In the Arms of His Love," Ensign, Nov. 2006, 118).

So get your crowns out of storage, polish them up, and let's get busy!


  1. I was just called to this particular calling a few weeks ago. I can find a lot of information on topics to have meetings on but no ideas about what to do during the meetings. Have you found any website or ideas that might help me in the calling?

  2. I would recommend that you look at the area's of focus listed at lds.org. Talk with you RS Presidency and find out what they and your Bishop see as the needs in your ward. Choose the appropriate areas of focus. Then search the internet for ideas. Don't forget to look at ideas for Enrichment meetings, they can be very helpful.

    I also scanned the Poster section of BYU's Women's conferences for other ideas. For our yearly calendar, I asked each member of the board to come with 2 ideas for each area of focus. We then coordinated and planned our year. You may be surprised at the wonderful things your committee can come up with.

    Good luck!
