Sunday, July 4, 2010

It's July....with new focus items to stock up on!

Happy Fourth of July everyone!  I hope you have plans to spend your day with family and friends.  It is a day to remember our roots and blessing of being a citizen of our great nation, as well as a time to build memories with our loved ones.

After your celebration today, it is time to get back on track with our quest to build up our long term  storage supplies.  Here is a peek into July...

“Brethren, I wish to urge again the importance of self-reliance on the part of every individual Church member and family.”

(President Gordon B Hinkley)

Notice that President Hinkley did not say...'depend on your neighbors' or that the 'church will see everyone through'.  He said it is the responsibility of every church member....which means you!
Here are the target supplies for July:

Week 1: Salt & Peanut Butter

Week 2:  Sugar

Week 3:  Propane, Charcoal, Wood Logs, etc fuels

Week 4:  Matches & Candles

Search the circulars, get your plan and stock up on these needed storage items. 

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