Sunday, July 25, 2010

It's a matter of preparing your vehicle....

Many of you know that our family has had a recent run of.....medical stuff!  We have been to many different facilities attempting to get all the medical care that was needed from various specialists.  One day, I came out of one hospital (far from my home) and found that I had a flat tire.  "Oh yea" I fit with the day.....and many of you know how that goes.

I was thinking that I would have to use the Jack and change the tire myself, which I have done before.  However, I really wasn't looking forward to it.  So, in my trunk, while looking for the Jack, I found this can of "Quick Flat Fix" that I know I didn't put in there.  It must have been my sweet husband who did.

So, I took out the can and read the directions.  "I can do this" I kept telling myself.  I attached the tubing to the can and spout on my tire.  At first, I held the can as above.  However, it wasn't moving along very quickly.  So, in desperation, I let go.

It worked very well after that and my tire inflated.  It stayed inflated with this solution for another 6 weeks until I got new tires.  So, guess what I will always have in my trunk?  You guessed it..."Quick Flat Fix" which can be found at most hardware stores or the automotive sections of your big box stores.

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