Friday, April 16, 2010

We'll Plant Our Seeds to Fill our Needs.....

Tuesday evening, we had a wonderful Relief Society Meeting. Two of our sisters, Linda M. & Rena B. had kindly raised herbs (from seed) for us to transplant. Many sisters took advantage of the opportunity to plant a small herb garden in their containers to take home. In fact, you can still plant, your own herb container garden as there are still plants available. Please contact Brother and Sister B to do so.

There was plenty of visiting and opportunities to learn while sisters learned how to transplant and care for their new herb plants.

We also had the opportunity to hear from Brother DeVirl B, Sister Linda M., and Sister Lorna W. We learned about medicinal uses of herbs, why we should plant a garden from a temporal and spiritual viewpoint, and things to do to maximize your space. We learned about ways to water and feed your garden, types of gardening, ways to warm the soil, and how to reap from your garden through the winter. We also learned about ground cover, rotating certain crops, and had a fun activity trying to identify different types of soil.

We were introduced to a book sold at a Highland Nursery. It was entitled Successful Home Gardening, 2nd Edition, by E Gordon Wells, Jr. Cost: ~ $16.00

At the request of several Sisters, the following information comes from the books displayed by Sister Linda & Sister Rena.

Culinary Herbs for Short-Season Gardeners. (2001) by Ernest Small and Grace Deutsch. Mountain Press Publishing Company.

Herbal Tea Gardens by Marietta Marshall Marcin (1999), Storey Books.

Rejuvenating Recipes for Body & Soul Well Being by Barbara Close (2000), Chronicle Books.

Grow your own Drugs by James Wong (2009). Silver River Productions Ltd.

The Encyclopedia of Herbs, Spices, & Flavorings; a Cooks’ Compendium by Elisabeth Lambert Oriz (1992). Dorling Kindersley Books.

The Herb Society of America Herbs & their uses by Deni Bown (2001). Dorling Kindersly Books.

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