Brothers and Sisters,
The Lindon Cannery is looking for individuals who are interested in serving as missionaries for 2010. We would welcome the chance to visit with you about this opportunity.
Please call us at 801-785-0998 if you are interested. We can answer any questions you may have about serving.
The following stakes have been given assignments to call missionaries. You do not need to be from one of these stakes to serve. However, if you belong to one of the stakes listed below and would like to look into serving, please call the Cannery with any questions and/or fill out the attached form and take it to your Bishop or Stake President.
Highland South, Highland, Cedar Hills, American Fork, American Fork West, Heber East, Eagle Mountain West, Orem Cascade, Orem Sharon Park, Orem Heatheridge, Orem Cherry Hill, Orem Lakeridge, Provo West Edgemont, North Provo East, Springville West, Springville Spring Creek, Springville Spring Creek South, Hobble Creek, Hobble Creek West, Spanish Fork Canyon Ridge
This call is for the 2010 year.
Missionaries serve at least 8 hours per week, two 4-hour shifts. The work week for Cannery missionaries is Tuesday through Friday with occasional Saturdays during the peach season (August/September). You are usually asked to serve 1 or 2 Saturdays during peaches. The Wet Pack Cannery is normally closed during the month of July..
Individual schedules and specific jobs will be determined by the Cannery and the individual after they have been oriented to the various tasks. There will be a new missionary meeting on Monday, January 11th, 9:00 a.m. at the Cannery to begin this process. This is an important meeting if you are seriously looking into this opportunity. Individuals must be temple worthy to serve in this capacity.
It is understood that there are times when missionaries need to be gone. Missionaries can always switch with other missionaries if they need to miss their shift. There are several people who do the same job and there has never been a problem with finding someone to fill in when needed.
Those who are called to serve at the Cannery should be able to stand for extended periods of time. Those who have mechanical aptitude are specifically needed. Not all positions require lifting, but if lifting is necessary, it would average around 25 lbs. Any heavier lifting is assisted by machinery or help from patrons or other missionaries. There are some office and orientation positions which do not require either lifting or standing for extended periods.
The following information will help in filling out The Recommendation for Part-Time Missionary (attached). It needs to be signed by your Bishop and Stake President and brought to the Cannery or sent to:
Church-Service Missionary Office, 50 E North Temple St., Rm. 152, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-4060 or faxed to 801-240-1726. On the form, you will need to identify Roger Lloyd as the “Name of Department Supervisor Contacted” and the Lindon Cannery as the “Name of Organization”. The “Start Date” should be listed as January 1, 2010 even though you won’t begin working until the end of January.
The Cannery is a wonderful place to serve a part-time mission. Please feel free to contact us with any concerns. Our offices are closed Friday, January 1st for the New Year holiday. Please leave a message if we are not available and we will be sure to get back with you.
Lindon Wet
Pack Cannery
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
I Hope They Call Me On A the Cannery!
I received this notice from the Lindon Home Storage Center. Here it is in it's entirety. If you are interested and have the time, please give them a call!.
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