Saturday, November 14, 2009

It's a matter of ...... Napking Folding for that special meal

With Thanksgiving coming, you may want to consider doing something to make you table look special for your family and friends. An inexpensive, but very classic way is to fold you napkins in a creative way.

Below is a video of Martha Stewart showing how to do 3 different styles. I have my own issues with Martha....particularly when she often says "You will want to.....". (I mean really, how does she know that I really would "want" to do what she says?). However, she has built her empire on domestic niceties such as this and I like how she shows you that you not only need a starched or stiff napkin, but also how to fold it and use an iron to make it really, really nice.

Finally, I am including a link that shows you how to make many, many different styles of folded napkins that are really simple! Your children or grandchildren would probably love to help you make these! You can also do them ahead of time if you wish. The photo above is from this site. Here is the link:'

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