Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Mount Timpanogos Temple

When I was a Sophomore at BYU, I remember being transported in someones car (I didn't have one at the time....I walked everywhere!) to an orchard in American Fork. Our Singles ward picked fruit for hours and then we went home. Little did I know at the time that this orchard would play such a big part in the lives of my future family.

Fast forward to the mid 90's when our family moved here from the East Coast. My children (who were teenagers at the time) used our Camcorder (remember that term?) and videotaped the raising of the statue of Moroni for this temple. As a family we toured this building and I even lead a Primary Choir that sang for visitors who were touring it. Just a few short years ago, my son and his wife were sealed here. What a great day for them.

Since we are fortunate enough to live a short drive from this glorious temple, I thought I would share a video about this beautiful Temple. It has spurred me on to think of ways that I can revamp my schedule to attend more often.

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