Friday, October 23, 2009

Carmel Apples...a wonderful treat from your pantry!

(Image courtesy of

Well, it's fall and there are so many traditions that make this season fun! One of my favorites is making Carmel Apples. I don't do it as much as I would like....but I will be this year! You may be thinking......"I hate opening all those little Kraft Carmel packages to melt for Carmel Apples"...well, I do too. However, you may be surprised to see that you have nearly everything you need to make these from scratch in your kitchen and pantry. Watch this video and see how very easy it is to do. What a great family activity for this time of year. Who doesn't mind getting a little sticky when they eat Carmel Apples?

Homemade Caramel Apples (From

8-10 Granny Smith Apples (with popsicle sticks)
1 c. butter
1 14 oz. can sweetened condensed milk (1/2 c. hot water + 1 c. non-instant dry milk powder + 1 c. sugar + 1 T. butter, mixed in blender)
2 1/4 c. brown sugar
1 c. corn syrup
1 t. vanilla

1. Wash and dry apples. Stick popsicle sticks in the stem. Place aluminum foil or wax paper sprayed with non-stick spray on 9×13 pans.
2. Melt butter and brown sugar together over medium high heat, stirring constantly. Add in sweetened condensed milk and corn syrup and keep stirring constantly! Heat until 245 degrees (keep stirring!) on candy thermometer or until small amount of mixture dropped into cup of very cold water forms a firm ball that holds its shape until pressed. Immediately remove from heat and add vanilla.
3. Roll apples in caramel and place on foil/wax paper lined pan. Allow to cool for 2 hours.

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