Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's a matter of .....the availability of Sugar.

(Image courtesy of

Wow, that photo looks a bit on the yummy side. Americans have a fascination with sugar and some die-hard souls try very hard to avoid it. In my is really hard to avoid sugar as it is present in many forms. It is even present in many convenience foods.

So, why am I discussing this delectable white powdery substance? Well, because of the conditions present in other countries, our ease at finding and purchasing Sugar may be challenged.

Here is a quote from Financial Times (dated July 30, 2009): "Traders and industry executives say, in rare agreement, that prices could hit a 28-year high – above 19.73 cents per pound (in the raw form) – this year because of poor weather, steady consumption and low global inventories".

What are the reasons stated for the proposed increase? Events outside of our state, and country. The article continues: "The latest wave of buying has come after a poor start to the monsoon in India, with districts in the critical Uttar Pradesh state already suffering from drought. As a result, India’s sugar cane output is likely to drop in 2009-10. As the world’s largest consumer and second-largest producer, India’s output swings, which move the country back and forth from exporter to importer, are a key factor in prices".

Also, in Brazil...."The wet weather is delaying the harvest and lowering the cane’s sucrose yield, which, in turn, will reduce potential raw sugar production".

So, what does this all mean to you? If you don't have enough sugar for your long-term should probably stock up now. Save money and have the peace of mind that you are prepared. Knowing that you have staples readily available to you is a form of comfort that you cannot shake. Do it today!!

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