Thursday, July 2, 2009

It's a matter of .....Coupon"ing"

A picture of a coupon for Undercover Bears Oat...Image via Wikipedia

Yes, I said it......the "C" word. Until recently, most people could care less about Coupon cutting and actually using them. I have been told this by several folks in my area. However, the times are a changing....and people are changing with them.

A couple of years ago, I attended the Couponing class taught by "Amy" from the Daily Herald (published in Provo, Ut). I had every intention to bring her to our area and have her teach the secrets to her success.....but after mentioning this to several folks, only one was interested!

Well, I see more people using Coupons at the checkout stands....and the line takes just a little longer because of it. This does not bother me, it shows that those individuals are being proactive....something that LRH truly admires.

I recently found this Powerpoint presentation on Couponing. You may find it of interest. If you do, consider attending "Amy's" class that she traditionally teaches at the Orem Macey's Store. Check their website to find the dates, they have had several of these classes in the past few months. Happy clipping!

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