Monday, May 11, 2009

Protecting Freedom.......

We live in an ever-changing world. Some embrace the change and some are fearful of it. But, the prophets and the scriptures are constant. I was sent the following excerpt from President Ezra Taft Benson, recorded some years ago as a BYU Devotional speaker. However, to me, the message is as timely as if it was delivered to the saints today. Consider the words he speaks.

Below are the phone numbers of our elected officials in this area. Please resolve to take the time to contact them and let them know your opinions. Resolve to take the time to make your voice known.

Here is the contact information for:

Senator Orrin Hatch 202-224-5251 (

Senator Bob Bennett 202-224-5444 (

Representative Jim Matheson 202-225-3011 (

Utah Senator Howard Stephenson 801-576-1022 (

Utah Representative John Dougall 801-492-1365 (

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