Sunday, May 31, 2009

Thrive Brand (from Shelfreliance)

In a previous post, I mentioned that this company has a brand of food storage products called "Thrive". During the past 2 weeks, they have posted many videos demonstrating how to use their Food Storage staples and entrees. I often hear folks say they have no clue how to use some of these items. The videos may be helpful in this area.

Also, they have a food calculator on their website ( You enter the number and ages of your family members etc and it will calculate how much product you will need. After completing that step, they have a unique plan that allows you to determine how much a month you can effort to spend on Food storage. With that information......they will send food stuffs to you in monthly amounts and stay within your budget. It is delivered to your door. This may be an option for some individuals who wish to prepare in this manner. As of April of 2009, they have a discount code that may save you 15% on Thrive products (QGTU). I don't know if it still works, but it may be option.

I will list the URL links for many of the videos, happy viewing!!!!

Thrive Food Storage Beef TVP and Pasta Bake

Thrive Food Storage Very Orange Berry Smoothie

Thrive Food Storage Berry Cinnamon Rolls

Thrive Food Storage Refried Beans

Thrive Food Storage Chocolate Chip Cookies

Thrive Food Storage Cornmeal & Broccoli Soup

Thrive Food Storage Black Bean Corn Salsa

Thrive Food Storage Black Bean and Rice Burger

Thrive Food Storage Cheese Blend

Thrive Food Storage Oatmeal Banana Chip

Thrive Food Storage Split Pea & Ham TVP Soup

Thrive Food Storage Taco TVP

Thrive Food Storage Granola

Thrive Food Storage Apple Tart

Thrive Food Storage 6 Grain Berry Pancakes

Friday, May 29, 2009

Blogs and links to check out!!!

Hi all:

I recently had the opportunity to speak at an Enrichment meeting in a Provo BYU Married Ward. As I drove in south Provo, memories came flooding back as I lived in that area when I was a student at BYU. Those memories are fond to me.....even the ones that required me to struggle! Anyway, in answer to some of the questions that were asked, I suggested many of the following links to assist these young sisters in their quest to be prepared. I thought I would share them with you as well:

  • "Where do I find recipes?" Certainly, when I was in school, I cherished the recipe book and cards my mother and grandmother gave me....and still do. Today we have many options online. Here are a couple that I have used several times. Sometimes I will go into the site and just enter the ingredients I have on hand and see what recipe(s) pop up. Some sites will rate the recipe for you. Here we go:,, These are some I use, but if you Google the word "recipes", you will find a wealth of information.
  • Making your own mixes: I will be teaching an upcoming class (most likely in June) on making your own mixes from food storage staples. However, you can search for recipes on your own. If you have access to "Gifts in a Jar" books, these are great mixes to make and save for your family. There are also multiple sites that will suggest many offerings for either making your own mixes or 'Gifts in a Jar'. At, they do have some recipes for mixes that allow you to alter the number of servings. By doing this, it automatically recalculates the amount of needed ingredients to make the mixes.
  • Good blogs to pay attention to: I have a few that I subscribe to (& you can do that with this blog also). That way, I do not have to go and check and see what is "new". A notice comes into my box and I can choose to view it or not. (I always view it....I just can't help myself!). Here are a few of the sites I have found to be very helpful:,, & This is not an exhaustive list, but I find their information wonderful.
  • Subscription services for sales at local Supermarkets: There are a couple of subscription services that are free. They send you an email to let you know what is on sale at each store and will even rate the item for you to let you know if it is really a good price or not. Suggestions are also made for coupons to use to make the sale even sweeter. Please see my post dated March 5, 2009 (under the label of "subscription service") for details on these sites as well as making or using a Price book.
  • Lindon Home Storage Center (formerly known as the "Cannery"): Please see the label "Lindon Home Storage Center" below for specific information on this wonderful resource. It includes the link to print out an order form as well as the phone number and address of this facility. It is dated April 23, 2009.
  • Cooking without power: We briefly discussed using camping stoves, Dutch oven cooking, and solar cooking. Please see the post entitle "Solar Power" dated April 14, 2009. Please, please scroll down to the very bottom of the post to find not only a picture, but the link to the directions to make your own Solar Cooker. It is based on research by BYU to help provide cooking opportunities for refugees in camps. I made one and used it at Girls Camp last year. It's easy.
Check them out today!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

We will remember.....Memorial Day

Some of us know of service men and women, some know them first hand, and still others have them as family members.

My Father-in-law was a Marine in that horrific battle in Iwo Jima as a lineman. In the dark of night, they had to repair the "line" to keep communications open. They had to do it with lighters, which made them targets for the snipers. As I see my FIL as a gentle and kind individual, I cannot imagine what experiences he is choosing to take with him when he meets his eternal rest.

We also have a Son-in-law who is serving in the Marines and has already completed one tour in Iraq. He is quiet about his experiences there and chances are good that he will be called up to serve again.

It is selfless individuals such as these that have carved out the freedoms that we enjoy and count on. I hope you take a moment on this holiday to thank a service man or woman. We owe them much.

Hope Ya Know, We Had a Hard Time

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Many that we know are dealing with hardships of many different types. I hope you learn and appreciate the following message from Elder Quentin R Cook:

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Come listen to a Prophet's voice....via radio!

The LDS Church announced a new Radio Station that began programming on May 18th, 2009. You can access it at the following: Here is a description of what the new service offers (which comes from the site itself):

The Mormon Channel is the official radio station of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The channel originates from Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah and broadcasts 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Content for the station comes from the vast archives of the Church, along with several new series created specifically for this station. The Mormon Channel also features great programming from various partner organizations, including Deseret Book, Bonneville International, Deseret News, LDS Business College, Brigham Young University, Brigham Young University-Idaho, and Brigham Young University-Hawaii.

You can listen to the Mormon Channel live online anytime at There are also downloads and podcasts of content available at the same address. A widget for social networking sites and blogs is also now available.

In addition to online delivery, the channel is available via HDRadio in every Bonneville International radio market. Among those markets are Salt Lake City, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., Chicago, Phoenix, and Seattle. For more information on getting a compatible HDRadio, visit You can find out more about the Bonneville International markets at

Additionally, soon you will be able to listen via an iPhone application. Other distribution options are currently being explored, including satellite radio and other mobile devices.

Try listening today!

Friday, May 22, 2009

"What is Food Storage and Emergency Preparedness?"

I have a new definition of Food Storage and Emergency Preparedness. Here it is:

"Food Storage and Emergency Preparedness compromise a set of skills with supporting equipment and supplies".

I have really come to believe this. Becoming self-sufficient and being prepared is like becoming acquainted with a new hobby. When you begin a new hobby, you get needed supplies, take classes or read up on the subject, and practice until you are proficient. This is the same process to use when becoming prepared.

As such, I am offering information to help build those "skill sets". Below is information on canning. You may be thinking that it is a bit early to think about preserving food when some of us have just put in a garden. It really is the "right time". Opportunities to obtain needed equipment and supplies begin now. For instance, locating canning jars in 2008 was difficult because many people decided to get "back to basics" and tried to preserve their own food. That happened here in Highland, American Fork, and the surrounding areas. Since the economy is even more challenged in 2009, that trend most likely will continue. So please read the following information and "glean" what will be of the most use to you.

Now is the time to get the needed equipment that you may need. Below you will find information on two types of Canning Equipment:

Water Bath Canners:

The boiling water bath method is safe for tomatoes, fruits, jams, jellies, pickles and other preserves. In this method, jars of food are heated completely covered with boiling water (212°F at sea level) and cooked for a specified amount of time.

A water bath canner is a large cooking pot, with a tight fitting lid and a wire or wooden rack that keeps jars from touching each other. The rack allows the boiling water to flow around and underneath jars for a more even processing of the contents. The rack also keeps jars from bumping each other and cracking or breaking. If a rack is not available, clean cotton dish towels or similar can be used to pack around jars. If a standard canner is not available any large metal container may be used as long as it is deep enough for l to 2 inches of briskly boiling water to cover the jars. The diameter of the canner should be no more than 4 inches wider than the diameter of your stove's burner to ensure proper heating of all jars. Using a wash kettle that fits over two burners is not recommended because the middle jars do not get enough heat. For an electric range, the canner must have a flat bottom. Outdoor fire pits with a solid grate will also work however close attention is required to insure proper boiling temperature.

Pressure Canners:

Pressure canning is the only safe method of preserving vegetables, meats, poultry and seafood. Jars of food are placed in 2 to 3 inches of water in a special pressure cooker which is heated to a temperature of at least 240° F. This temperature can only be reached using the pressure method. A microorganism called Clostridium botulinum is the main reason why pressure processing is necessary. Though the bacterial cells are killed at boiling temperatures, they can form spores that can withstand these temperatures. The spores grow well in low acid foods, in the absence of air, such as in canned low acidic foods like meats and vegetables. When the spores begin to grow, they produce the deadly botulinum toxins(poisons).

A pressure canner is a specially-made heavy pot with a lid that can be closed steam-tight. The lid is fitted with a vent (or pet-cock), a dial or weighted pressure gauge and a safety fuse. Newer models have an extra cover-lock as an added precaution. It may or may not have a gasket. The pressure pot also has a rack. Because each type is different, be sure to read the directions for operating.

Where in the world do I get equipment like this:

We are lucky in our area to have several sources for the "Canners". Consider the following:

  • Allred Ace Hardware Store (5353 W East Parkway Street in Highland, UT)

  • Smiths Food and Drug (1550 E 3500, Lehi )-The manger states they have jars etc now, but will have the Canners in about 3 weeks.

  • Walmart in Cedar Hills (4689 W Cedar Hills Dr Cedar Hills, UT) and American Fork (949 W Grassland Dr, American Fork)

  • The Mending Shed (1735 South State St., Orem, UT)


Jam Recipes using Clear Jel

Hi all:
Here is the information from the class at LRH's last night. We used a product call "Clear Jel" instead of Pectin. Below is information on both. Also, you will find several recipes using Clear Jel at the bottom of the please keep reading!.

· Clear Jel: Clear Jel®, a corn starch derivative, is a commercial thickening product used by bakeries and for frozen food. This product is used the same as flour or corn starch. There are two types of Clear Jel® available, “instant” and “regular”. “Instant” does not require heat to thicken. The product will thicken once the liquid is added. "Regular”, on the other hand, must be heated. This is generally the preferred type to use in products to be canned.The advantage is that it is more cost effective and often requires less than half (sometimes ¼) the amount of sugar that Pectin requires. It also lasts indefinitely.

General Directions: Replace cornstarch, flour, and tapioca as thickener with Clear Jel by: Adding Clear Gel slowly to hot or cold liquid using a wire whisk. Stir until smooth. Allow 10 minutes for cold liquids to reach maximum thickness. Refrigerate or freeze finished produces for future use if desired.

Conversion ratio:
1 tbsp. cornstarch=1 1/2 tbsp. Instant Clear Jel
2 tbsp. flour or tapioca= 1 tbsp. Instant Clear Jel

• It is clear in color when cooked.
• It has excellent stability.
• It remains smooth.
• It prevents liquid separation and curdling after foods have been frozen.
• Cream sauces, custard, and puddings may be frozen with excellent results.
• It is less expensive than pectin.
• The amount of sugar may be adjusted without losing the jelling capacity.
• Recipes may be doubled, tripled or halved.
• The jam may be frozen or processed in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes.

• Using Clear Jel® in making jams and jellies is not an exact science. Many factors influence the quality of the product. It is best to try a small batch and make adjustments before making larger batches.
• Use pint or 1/2 pint jars.
• Any fruit jam or jelly recipe may be used as long as the product is processed for 10 minutes or frozen. Substitute 7 tbsp of Clear Jel® for the pectin in cooked jams and jellies and 3-4 tbsp of Clear Jel® for the pectin in freezer jam recipes.
• For freezer jam follow the jam recipes on this sheet.
• Clear Jel® does not dissolve easily in liquid. To help dissolve the product mix the Clear Jel® with a little sugar before adding to the fruit or juice.

Problem solving:
Jam is too stiff: To make softer, heat the product and add a little more juice or water, then reprocess.
Jam is too thin: To make stiffer, heat the product and add more Clear Jel® mixed with a few tbsp of sugar and dissolved in 1/2 cup of the product.
o Suppliers: Allison’s Pantry (Pleasant Grove), Kitchen Kneads (West Jordan),,

· Pectin: a non-digestible carbohydrate naturally found in the peel of many fruits that thickens jams and jellies. There are two types of pectin: regular (high-methosyl pectin) and special (low methoxyl pectin) Regular pectin is generally made from apple peel or from the white inner skin of citrus fruit. This type of pectin works with sugar and acid to form a gel. A low-sugar variety of regular pectin is also available. Low-methoxyl Pectin is extracted from the inner rinds of limes and lemons and is chemically different from regular pectin in that it uses a calcum solution, rather than sugar, to form a gel. Please note that “no sugar needed Pectin is not necessarily the same thing as low-methoxyl pectin. Ball brand lists the following ingredients: dextrose, pectin, locust beangum, xanthan gum,. Dextrose is the same thing as glucose, a monosaccharide (sugar), the other ingredients are all indigestible carbohydrates and aid in gel formation. Use liquid pectin (CERTO) if you want to avoid all added sugar from regular pectin.
o Suppliers: Any local grocery store, Ball/Kerr Home Canning (1-800-240-3340),

The recipes below come from Instant Delite Recipes by Merrily Lloyd.

(Something you need to know about using Clear Jel is that you mix the wet ingredients together and then the dry ingredients together. Finally combine the two mixtures together when making Jam.)

Processed Strawberry Jam:
5 ¾ C ground strawberries
¼ C lemon juice
2 ½ C sugar
6 rounded Tablespoons Instant Clear Jel
1 package unsweetened Strawberry Koolaid.
Wash, stem, and grind ripe berries. Add lemon juice. Put in large sauce pan and bring to a boil. In a dry bowl, mix sugar, instant clear jel, and KoolAid. Slowly pour dry ingredients into fruit and blend thoroughly . Pour into sterilize canning jars and process for 10 minutes (Hot water Bath Canning)

Freezer Strawberry Jam:
2 C sugar
3 rounded Tablespoons Instant Clear Jel
1 package unsweetened strawberry KoolAid
5 cups diced, uncrushed fresh strawberries ½ C light Karo syrup

Mix sugar, instant clear jel, and Koo-Aid well. Add to washed and diced berries. Put in Karo syrup and stir until well blended. Put into containers and freeze.

Other Recipes using this product are (from :

Cherry Jam
4 cups pitted chopped cherries
1/4 cup lemon juice
4 tablespoons Clear Jel®
Sugar to taste (approximately 1 cup)
Add lemon juice to cherries. Combine Clear Jel® with 1/4 cup of the sugar. Add to cherries. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Pour into jars, leaving 1/4 inch headspace. Process 10 minutes in boiling water bath or freeze.

Apricot and Pineapple Jam
5 cups ground apricots
1 20-oz. can crushed pineapple, drained
1/4 cup lemon juice
7 tablespoons Clear Jel®
Sugar to taste (approximately 3 cups)
Add lemon juice to apricots. Combine Clear Jel® with 1/4 cup of the sugar. Add to apricots. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Add rest of sugar. Boil for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Pour into jars, leaving 1/4 inch headspace. Process 10 minutes in boiling water bath or freeze.

Apricot Jam
3 1/2 cups apricots
2 tablespoons lemon juice
3 1/2 tablespoons Clear Jel®
Sugar to taste (approximately 2 cups)
Add lemon juice to apricots. Combine Clear Jel® with 1/4 cup of the sugar. Add to apricots. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Add rest of sugar. Boil for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Pour into jars, leaving 1/4 inch headspace. Process 10 minutes in boiling water bath or freeze.

Peach Jam
3 3/4 cups peaches
1/4 cup lemon juice
7 tablespoons Clear Jel®
Sugar to taste (approx. 1 1/2 cups)
Add lemon juice to peaches. Combine Clear Jel® with 1/4 cup of the sugar. Add to peaches. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Add rest of sugar. Boil for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Pour into jars, leaving 1/4 inch headspace. Process 10 minutes in boiling water bath or freeze.

Berry Jam
4 cups crushed berries or juiced
1/4 cup lemon juice
7 tablespoons Clear Jel®
Sugar to taste (approximately 1 1/2 cup)
Add lemon juice to berries. Combine Clear Jel® with 1/4 cup of the sugar. Add to berries. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Add rest of sugar. Boil for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Pour into jars, leaving 1/4” headspace. Process 10 minutes in boiling water bath or freeze.

(Sources:,, Instant Delite Recipes by Merrily Lloyd)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple....Photo Tour

Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple exterior. (Copyright Intellectual Reserve, Inc.)

It appears that we have yet another opportunity to see a new temple in our area. A recent article published by the church has a photo gallery showing the interior of the temple. After you click on the link below, look for a link button entitled "Click to view gallery (20 Photos)". This will take you to a smaller window showing these beautiful photos. The article is very informative as well. If you have the chance, take your family and tour this beautiful facility.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

What is "Hot Water Bath Canning"?

What is "Hot Water Bath Canning"? It sounds a little like "Suzie-homemaker". Well, maybe it is and maybe it isn't. It is a skill......a skill you need to preserve food for your family. Food Storage and Emergency Preparedness is essentially a group of skill sets with supporting equipment. This is an important skill to acquire.

We will be using this technique to make jam later this week. For those who are really curious what it entails, please see the following video that can explain it. It is really a "doable" thing.

Depression era cooking.....with Clara

Hi all:

I think I have found a new little "hero".....and her name is Clara. She teaches how to cook meals that her mother made during the depression. I also need to mention how adorable she is at 93 years of age! (Her stove and cookware remind me of Grandparents and my Aunt's homes). Here is her recipe for Poorman's Feast. She uses simple ingredients and I love her commentary.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Protecting Freedom.......

We live in an ever-changing world. Some embrace the change and some are fearful of it. But, the prophets and the scriptures are constant. I was sent the following excerpt from President Ezra Taft Benson, recorded some years ago as a BYU Devotional speaker. However, to me, the message is as timely as if it was delivered to the saints today. Consider the words he speaks.

Below are the phone numbers of our elected officials in this area. Please resolve to take the time to contact them and let them know your opinions. Resolve to take the time to make your voice known.

Here is the contact information for:

Senator Orrin Hatch 202-224-5251 (

Senator Bob Bennett 202-224-5444 (

Representative Jim Matheson 202-225-3011 (

Utah Senator Howard Stephenson 801-576-1022 (

Utah Representative John Dougall 801-492-1365 (

Oh Spring....time for planning

(Photo courtesy of

The LRH has a Lilac bush in her front yard. Now that it is nice enough weather to have your windows open some, I love the fragrant smell of this wonderful flower. It reminds me of both of my Grandmother's homes.

With the coming of spring, comes the need to recommit ourselves to planning and preparation for the coming summer and fall when our food supply begins to come again. What do I mean by this? Consider the following:

(Photo courtesy of
  • Canning: "What, you are suggesting that I can food? " "But I work, I have soccer, baseball, dance lessons, piano, the yard...etc!" Again, yes....I mean you. "But I don't have a clue what to do!" Again, yes...I really mean you...and the last statement is really telling. Trying anything that you don't know how to do is intimidating. Last year at this time, canning jars were difficult to locate and were even in short supply. Since the economy has become even more unstable, I expect that purchasing or finding jars will be more difficult in 2009. Look and stock up on jars and lids beginning now. The LRH will be teaching classes on canning different items at her home during the summer. I just canned Strawberry Jam this weekend...and it was so easy and really yummy.

  • Gardening: Yes, I mean this too. "But I've seen your yard LRH...." Yes, it's true... our family struggles with growing things, but I think we have finally found plantings that are compatible with us....for the most part. However, I have been taking my own advice. I have planted from seed and started most of my garden plants indoors. (Please see previous posts for more information on this). Most of the plants survived and I am currently "hardening" them, by letting them be outside for increasing time over the past few days. This prepares them to be planted outside. I am trying to grow not only fresh vegetables to eat during the summer months, but also enough to store in the fall. President Spencer W Kimball stated the following: "Where you have a plot of land, however small, plant a garden. Staying close to the soil is good for the soul." In addition, BYU Broadcasting has a series of programs called "Homegrown". Although not all parts of the series currently have air dates, they do have links and wonderful written information from each episode that you can access at the following link:

Make a plan to gather needed items together and follow the direction our Church leaders. As Bishop Richard C Edgley so explicitly taught us at our past General Conference last month...."This is our/(your) Phone call. May the Lord bless us all with the same sense of urgency to answer the call today to bring in our people from these economic challenges as He did in the case of the handcart companies is my prayer"

Take the call folks....start "gathering" as any smart chick would do!

Marlene's Magic Food Storage Steps 3 & 4

This is a continuation of a previous post. The information shared is from the website that supports this wonderful book:

Step 3

If I Add:
• Butter
• Tomatoes
• Cheese, powdered

I Can Make:
• Sprouted Wheat
• Cracked Wheat
• Tortillas
• Custards
• Puddings
• Pancakes
• German Pancakes
• Cookies
• Waffles
• Muffins
• English Muffins
• Crepes
• Pasta
• Breads
• Biscuits
• Crackers
• Mayonnaise
• Egg Noodles
• Meatless Casseroles
• Cream Sauces
• Spaghetti Sauce

Step 4

If I Add:
• Unflavored Gelatin
• Canned Milk
• Canned Fruits

I Can Make:
• Sprouted Wheat
• Cracked Wheat
• Tortillas
• Custards
• Puddings
• Pancakes
• German Pancakes
• Cookies
• Waffles
• Muffins
• English Muffins
• Crepes
• Pasta
• Breads
• Biscuits
• Crackers
• Mayonnaise
• Egg Noodles
• Meatless Casseroles
• Cream Sauces
• Spaghetti Sauce
• Jell-O Salads
• Whipped Cream Desserts
• Baby formula

Don't you love the cumulative aspect of this plan? I love a smart "chick"!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

To all mother's everywhere, Happy Mother's Day. Enjoy the following gift from
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

“Marlene's Magic with Food Storage's” Steps 1 & 2

Before the LRH moved into this area, I understand that was a very knowledgeable and talented sister by the name of Marlene Peterson who resided here. She reportedly had a large family and was the "go to " individual when it came to food storage. She even published a book entitled “Marlene's Magic with Food Storage" ( Sister Alice A. recently lent her copy of this wonderful book to me. She shared it with me with reverence as she said it was from her good friend....Marlene. I was honored to have the opportunity to be entrusted with such a gift.

I read with great pleasure her common sense approach to food storage as this topic can become very overwhelming at first glance. I had to purchase my own copy because it is such a great resource. At the website that sells her book, they have graciously offered "handouts" to be used in ward lessons on food storage. Since our ward lessons are now a combination of actual classes and webnars, I will give her basic 7 steps in the next few blog entries that are offered at the website listed above. If you share the information, please ensure that proper credit is given to this wonderful individual. Please know that she makes a great deal of sense. Thank you Sister Peterson for your talent and wisdom!

“Marlene's Magic with Food Storage's” proven 7 steps will help you build the food storage reserve that will give you and your family peace of mind. Whether it’s a natural disaster or a personal rainy day, this extra food will get you through those tough times and keep you healthy.

Step 1

If I Have:
• Wheat
• Powdered Milk
• Oil
• Salt
• Honey or Sugar
• Water

I Can Make:
• Sprouted Wheat
• Cooked Cracked Wheat
• Tortillas
• Gluten

Step 2

If I Add:
• Yeast
• Baking Powder
• Powdered Eggs
• Baking Soda

I Can Make:
• Sprouted Wheat
• Cracked Wheat
• Tortillas
• Custards
• Puddings
• Pancakes
• German Pancakes
• Cookies
• Waffles
• Muffins
• English Muffins
• Crepes
• Pasta
• Breads
• Biscuits
• Crackers
• Mayonnaise
• Egg Noodles

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Strawberry Pie.....

(photo courtesy of

The LRH had guests over for dinner this evening, and this recipe was highly requested. Not that I am a great cook....because I really am average. But, I know a good thing when I find it. The following pie recipe was one that I grew up with. My mother used to make it and it brings back fond memories. The crust recipe is so easy as well.

One of the great things about these recipes are the ingredients. All are food storage staples except the strawberries. It's easy to make and you will get rave reviews:

Whole Wheat Graham Cracker Pie Crust (Cherie Harmon, Cookin with Home Storage)½ C margarine
1 T brown sugar
1 C wheat flour
½ tsp salt
Mix all ingredients. Press mixture into the bottom of pie pan. Bake at 350 degrees F for 15 minutes. This makes 1 pie shell.

Big Boy Strawberry Pie (Ann Marie Bridges)9 inch baked pie shell or graham cracker crust
In saucepan:
1 ½ C cold water
¾ C sugar
2 Tbs cornstarch
1 (3oz) package strawberry jello
2 quarts strawberries
--Bring to boil (water, sugar, cornstarch), stirring constantly. Boil until clear. Remove from heat. Add jello. Stir until smooth. Cool a little. Put cleaned strawberries in pie shell, filling a little over the top. Pour sauce over berries and refrigerate until it sets. Top with whipped cream. There will be extra juice left over.
Make the choice to prepare this definately will not regret it!