Monday, March 9, 2009

It's a matter of.....Dry Pack Canning, where and "how much".....

We had a fabulous Relief Society class on Dry pack canning in the fall of 2008. Many learned how to use the Dry Pack Canner and one sister in our ward reported that she canned over a 100 cans in her home. Way to go!

We have a Dry pack canner in our stake that can be check out by emailing me or you can also check a canner out from the Lindon Family Canning Center. In any event, you have options. I was asked recently how to calculate the number of cans you would need if you bought bulk food in 25-50 lb containers. I came across the following that I found to be very helpful in this area. Please see the following for more detailed information (This comes from

Dry Pack Canning: How Many #10 Cans Will I Need?

  • Wheat 50 lbs/9 cans
  • Sugar 50 lbs/9 cans
  • Beans 50 lbs/9 cans
  • Rolled Oats 50 lbs/18 cans
  • Light Weight Foods 50 lbs/18 cans
  • Flour 25 lbs/6 cans
  • Spaghetti 5 lbs/1 can
  • Lentils 5 lbs/1 can
  • Ziti 2 1/2 lbs/1 can
  • Elbows 3 lbs/1 can
  • Sugar 5 lbs/1 can
  • Granola 3 lbs 14 oz/1 can
  • Oatmeal 1 lb 40 oz/1 can
  • Grits 4 lbs/1 can

If there is enough interest, we may be able to set up a date to do Dry Pack canning at LRH's home. Please let me know your interest level. Also, to determine prices of bulk foods that can be purchased at the Lindon Family Cannery (as well as Cans and Oxygen Absorbers), please see the price list at the following link: The Lindon cannery is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays and you can purchase bulk foods that they have on hand at the time.

If you wish to schedule a session at the Cannery (on Tuesdays and Thursdays), you can call
Phone: (801) 785-0997. The Address is: 940 West Center, Lindon, Utah 84042
Pull our your calendar, make a plan, and get it done:)

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