Sunday, September 23, 2012

Happy Birthday...Happy Anniversary...etc

It's Sunday afternoon, and the weather is lovely.  We had the opportunity to attend the Brigham City Temple Dedication in our Stake Center today. As such, we didn't have additional meetings to attend.  So, we invited extended family members to have dinner and spend time together.

Do you see the beautiful Patio Bar we have in our back yard?  Isn't is great?  Well, Rooster Senior built it for me....because I wanted it.  Yes, I'll admit it....I really wanted it.  It started out as an Anniversary gift, then morphed into a Birthday gift...and may become my Christmas gift. (Just kidding a bit).

The bar has beautiful stone and tile for the counter top.  Not only does it house the Grill, but also 2 storage areas....and a fireplace!  Again, isn't it great?  (By-the-way, Rooster Senior has kept that Fireplace for years just in case he had a re-model or other construction job that could utilize it.  I finally decided I would use it....and I wouldn't be storing it for someone else anymore!)

Okay, let's talk about the preparedness aspect to this, because there really is one or two.  Even though we purchased this grill to run on Propane, my husband changed it over to Natural Gas...which will also fuel the fireplace.  He ran the Natural Gas line into the bar, so you cannot see the mechanics of it.  It is important to know that in my husband's opinion and experience, he states that when power goes out, Natural Gas traditionally is still available.  That is why our cook top in the kitchen is run by Natural Gas.  However, our ovens are Electric.  So, if we did loose power and we wanted or needed to bake, we could bake in our grill.  Go here to see my post on baking bread in my grill.

In addition, this will be my summer kitchen.  What does that mean?  Well, when I am in the throws of canning, I will use my 3 burner Gas Grill and place it perpendicular to the fireplace on the patio.  I can put my jars that need to cool on the cool tile, and most of all, keep the heat from the Canner outside of my house during the summer months.

So, although it looks and performs wonderfully for family gatherings outside, I really do plan on using it for other purposes.  

Who says being prepared can't be cool?

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Honeyville Farms Store...Grand Opening.......SLC

I was invited to attend the Grand Opening of the new location of the Salt Lake City location of the Honeyville Farm Store.  It is located at 389 W 1830 S #500
Salt Lake City.  

I was surprised to learn that many of the folks that I consider "Superstars in the world of Food Storage and Preparedness were there.  Most of them were there for the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony....but because of a work obligation, I wasn't able to arrive until later.  I was pleased with the things I learned while I was there.

This is Lisa Barker, who is the Education and Outreach Coordinator.  As she showed me around the new location, I was appreciative of her time and attention.  Now, for you folks out there along the Wasatch Front who have insane schedules like I do, I asked the question that seemed obvious to me.  "In your new location, will you be offering any classes in the evening or on the weekend?".  I then was given a list of their upcoming classes....including Saturday classes.  Ms. Barker did say that they may consider evening classes now that they are closer to the city.  Their previous location was by the airport and attendance at night that far away was considered a safety issue.  I am hopeful that they will hold evening classes.....Thursdays are great for me!

They have a wide variety of items.

Flavored Oils

Lots of books!

Gluten-Free products.

Grains Galore!

Prepared Meals....

Water Storage....

Large Water Tanks...

So, when the doors open to the public on September 24th, stop in and see all that this good retailer has to offer.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

It's a matter of repairing damaged surfaces for finished wood.

You have been there....sitting in the pews at church.  You look down, and see the nicks and scratches on the legs or edges of these beautiful wooden benches.  

As many of you know by now, Rooster Senior and I serve in a Young Single Adult Ward.  Many of these YSA wards meet in buildings with double chapels. You would think that these buildings would avoid many of the sad realities of damage that comes with little ones navigating about in the building. However, it just isn't the truth.  

As a service project yesterday, Rooster Senior taught a number of our YSA brothers and sisters how to repair these surfaces so that their beauty shines forth again.  Here is one of the strategies.

This is the same pew as above, but a little bit of gel-stain has been brushed on the nick and it virtually disappeared.  Brush with the grain and wipe of any excess with a dry cloth.  

What to see the magic again?

At first, I though the wood had just split...but to my husband's trained eye, he knew it was damage from a pen or stylus.  The grooves were rather deep.

Here, I applied the gel-stain (that had been matched to this wood beforehand)

Here is the after picture.  Isn't it amazing?

After a Regional Conference today, we received this nice note from the High Counselor who cares for the buildings:

Thank you (Rooster Senior), and the 153rd ward, for the beautiful stain touch-up work in our building!  We have a fresh new look today for the conference, and for the coming dedication next week.  You have set a high standard for the other cleaning that will take place in our building over the coming week.

We will be "attending" the dedication of the Brigham City Temple ....virtually.  Our Chapel will be a type of 'extension' of the Temple next Sunday, and it will take a Temple Recommend to enter the building.

Our YSA's were not only serving the Lord, but they have gained a few new skills that they will be in a position to use on the furniture in their own homes both now and in the future.  

Learning new skills is great,  isn't it?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

It's a Matter of Being Successfully Prepared for a Job Interview.

Image courtesy of
Well, you may wonder why would write a post about Job Interviews. The fact of the matter is that I have been interviewing to fill several positions for the past 4-5 months. Thankfully, I have had many individuals with the appropriate training who did apply.  However, I have been very challenged in finding the candidates that were the right fit for the openings I was trying to fill.

I was so 'surprised' to have professionals do the following:
  • Ask me to find them childcare so that they could work.  I tried not to look shocked by this request.  I would never make a decision or suggest anyone to care for another person's child in an interview setting.  The parent is uniquely qualified to make decisions for the care and safety of their children.  
  • Tell me about many of their failed love interests over the past years as if we were close girlfriends.  Again, I tried to keep a straight face.  If this individual was comfortable sharing very personal details in an interview situation, what would they be comfortable sharing in a work setting.  In addition, how would that reflect on our company.
  • Show up to an interview for a professional position in Capri's and tennis shoes.  Really!!!  By now, I should be getting an Academy Award for my 'straight face' position.  This person's hair looks like she gave it 30 seconds of her day. 
  • Ask me the answers to the questions I had asked them.  If you don't know the answer....Please say that!  Tell what you know for sure, and don't guess!
  • Share information about their conduct in the past that was very unethical as if it didn't matter.  REALLY!!!!
  • Asking for more money than the market can bear.  This means, asking for twice the money that any facility pays in this area...PERIOD!!!  Also doing so in Capri's and Tennis shows as well.  I think I needed an Oscar for that one!
  • Give References who don't even know who the candidate is.  Yes, I really do check with them!  Imagine how awkward those phone calls were.
  • Give correct email addresses or phone numbers for your references.  It really does matter!
  • Interview even though they knew their Licensure and Certification were not current.
What did the successful candidates do?
  • Came prepared in professional dress.  Either Pants or Skirts/Dresses are fine with me....just look like the professional you are professing to be.
  • Had references who could speak very specifically about the skill sets the candidate had.
  • Had the appropriate licensure and certifications current.  They were willing to show evidence that this was true.
  • Knew their market and requested a wage that was appropriate for their level of training and experience.
  • Shared only the information they knew for sure and stated that they were willing to either brush-up or learn the information they needed.
  • Were clear that they needed to give their former employer adequate notice. This is so important, if they are willing to leave another company without notice, they would have no problem doing it to your company either.
There are many other things I could list, but I choose not to.  However, I strongly suggest that you learn what Behavioral Interviewing is.  This method requires the candidate to share specific experiences that have actually happened.    Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.  Here is a nice list of questions that any candidate would do well with in an interview if they rehearse them ahead of time.  

So, in the preparedness mindset, you need to have skills/training, and interview skills to be employed.  Never, never assume that anything less than a professional appearance or conduct will be 'okay'.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

It's a matter of making Pita's....with Natural Leavening!

I have shared the fact that I had taken a series of classes with "Natural Leavening".  I am enjoying using this new "tool" in my skill set.  It is similar to Sourdough, but you do not use Yeast to begin the starter etc.  

Today, I want to show you how I made Pita's using this wonderful method.  I apologize in the I cannot give you the exact recipe because it has a copyright.  However, the folks I took the course from are planning to publish a book this until then:).

After making the dough with the starter, let it sit in the refrigerator to get cool.  Now, if you are like me....about this point I would be thinking "I don't have time for this!".  Believe it or not, this method works around my insane schedule...and I kid you schedule is really insane right now.  To make Pita's having chilled dough is easier to handle.  This dough was made on a Thursday evening, but because of that afore-mentioned schedule I couldn't even get to the Pita's until Sunday.  I love the fact that the dough/starter can wait for me....a serious requirement for me:)

With Natural Leavening, putting the starter or dough in the refrigerator tends to stop the 'process' at that point in time when placed in a cold environment.  So, I took the chilled dough out of my refrigerator...on Sunday....and did the following:

Form the dough into a ball.

Heat your Pizza Stone in a very hot oven at 550 degrees.  I'll be honest, I didn't even know my oven could get that hot.

Divide the dough into even sections.

Roll the dough into a circle.

Notice that I can easily pull the 'disk-of-dough' off my counter.  Also notice that I didn't use flour on the counter surface.  It's not necessary with this dough.  Isn't that great!

Place the disks on your hot Pizza Stone in your oven.

Leave the dough in the oven for 3-5 minutes and watch the magic.  It just 'blows up'.  

Take the pita's out of the oven and let them cool on a towel.  Then cut them in half.

This is the inside of one of the Pita's (Please know that this one really puffed up....and stayed puffed up...which is great for photo's!  The rest acted like they were supposed to!).

Here are the Pita's....all done!

You can stack them to store them.

Here is my dinner.  You may ask about the taste as I only used Whole Wheat Flour....they were delicious.  I had several left over, so I sealed them in Food Saver bags and put them in the freezer for a quick meal when we are having another 'insanely crazy day'.  

I would highly recommend this method. It is one that I can actually do!  It can wait for me if I need it to, and I don't have to babysit it.  I can't tell you how important that really is.

So, watch for their book.....I recommend!

Friday, September 7, 2012

News from the Lindon Cannery! Time Sensitive!

Dear Utah County Folks:

I received this email from the Lindon Cannery.  I would suggest that you sign up quickly as the opening go quickly!

Good luck!  LRH


Dear Lindon Cannery Email Subscribers:
The links below will allow you to schedule for our next family canning opportunity  (Chicken Chunks & Pork Chunks). The links aren't due to become active for scheduling until Saturday, September 8th @ 6:00 a.m., but you can click on the links and carefully read all of the instructions before that time. You will be accountable for everything said in the online instructions.

When you click on one of the links below, you are scheduling for the day and date listed at the end of the link. Please be sure you are selecting a day that you can come.
You may only schedule one shift for the same name. If you are helping others to register, please provide their name and information when scheduling their shift. Double entries for the same name will be deleted as quickly as discovered so others will be able to schedule.
Please do not request more than 5 total cases of meat. (Example: 3 chicken + 2 pork = 5 total cases).

See links below for unsubscribing or joining the group. By clicking on the "Visit this group" link, you should be able to see a digest of previous emails.
Lindon Cannery: 940 W Center, Lindon, UT 84042 801-785-0998

Visit this group on the web by using this URL:

You can unsubscribe from this group using the following URL:

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My Missionary Tradition.....

I have this keyring that only comes out during certain periods of time.  When my oldest Son left on the plane to fly a couple of thousand miles away to serve his mission, I used this keyring until he came home safely.

When my middle son flew a few thousand more miles away from home to serve his mission, I pulled it out again and used it until he came safely home.

Now, I have had this keyring back in service for the past 15 months.  It will remain in place until my youngest son returns safely home.  

With my daughters now married, I got to thinking.....when or how would I ever use this again.  I decided that I am married to a really big I could use it again when we went on our mission.

With all kidding aside, I love having this simple reminder that I am a Missionary Mom, and am so humbled to be one.  It reminds me to be grateful for yet another wonderful son who chose to serve the Lord in his vineyard for 2 years.

Friends find this little reminder to be a great idea, and have asked where I got it.  Sadly, I got it in South Carolina a long time ago.  But, I point out that it would be simple enough to make one on your own that is similar to it.

Just my "Missionary Mom" moment for the day!