Sunday, October 31, 2010

Week #1 focuses on "Vitamins".

If you don't know what specific Vitamins do for your body, here is a quick and hopefully fun way to find out.

It's a new Month with new focus items.

Yes, I can read a calendar.  I know it is the actual date of Halloween, but we celebrated last evening to give us the opportunity to keep the Sabbath Day Holy today.  Soooooo, I am moving on.

As I look back over the past year, if you have been keeping up with purchasing needed items to stock your long-term reserves, you should be sitting in a pretty sweet place today.  In the past few months, several people have shared with me that they  now found themselves in a position where they need to use their long term storage items.  Some were ready, some were not.  The point is that we never know when we might need our Food Storage and Emergency Preparedness items.  It is a matter of belief and obedience.  If we are prepared...we really will not fear. 

As we are getting ready to share a season of gratitude with loved ones, take a moment to look at your reserves and thank Heavenly Father for helping you to obtain them.  In addition, ask him to help you with any areas that you still need to prepared.  He will help you, no doubt.

Here are the target items for the month of November:

Week #1:

Week #2:
Water, Juices, and Drink mixes

Week #3:
Shortening (Canned and Powdered)

Week #4: 
Oils (Canola, Olive, Vegetable, etc)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Course offering at Provo City Library..... November 4th

(Image courtesy of

My thanks to Cary W for bringing this event to my attention.  I am continually amazed at the course offerings in our area, and here is yet another to be held on November 4th at the Provo City Library.

"Meals in Minutes; Food Storage in a Bag" will be presented by Michelle Snow at 7:00 p.m. in room #201.  A raffle for her book will be held and she will have a limited number of her books for sale at a significant discount.  She will reportedly demonstrate her method and provide samples as well.

For more information on Michelle and Trent Snow's information, please see  or

Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's week #4 in October....and our focus item is... Spices!

 (Image courtesy of

What would cooking be like without spices?  I had a family member whose family lived off from their Food Storage for over a year.  What did she say she missed the most?  Spices! 

One question that I get often is "What is the shelf life of........?".  Just as with other items that we store, spices do not last for eternity.  The following information is from the McCormick's website:

  • Ground spices 2-3 years
  • Whole spices 4 years
  • Herbs 1-3 years   
  • Seeds  (except poppy seeds and sesame seeds which last for 2 years) 4 years
  • Seasoning Blends 1-2 years
  • Extracts (except vanilla extract which lasts indefinitely) 4 years
One other wonderful thing about this site is that you can check your own McCormick spices to see how old they may be by going to this link.

Storage Containers:  Now, how do you store your spices long term?  Here is some information from this site (

Canning Jars

Another excellent container to use for storing larger amounts of herbs are pint size and quart size glass canning jars. Used canning jars can sometimes be found at local thrift stores. New seals and rings for the canning jars can be found at many grocery stores.
Metal Tins

Small metal tins may also be used to store herbs and spices. Make sure to label the tins as the contents can't be seen once the lids are closed. Metal tins can impart a metallic scent or taste to dried herb leaves, but they work okay for storing seeds and roots.
Ceramic Containers

Glazed ceramic containers can also be used for storing herbs and spices. Unglazed ceramic containers will cause the volatile essential oils present in the herbs to evaporate in a very short time.

Plastic Containers

The use of plastic containers is not recommended for the long term storage of dried materials as the herbs seem to absorb some of the odor of the plastic making them rather unpleasant to use. Plastic containers or resealable plastic bags can be used for the short term storage of fresh herbs in the refrigerator or freezer.

Wood Containers

Wood containers are not recommended for the storage of your herbs and spices. Wood is a permeable container and since it is not airtight it will quickly cause the materials to dry out and become stale. Wood containers also have a tendency to absorb the odor of any aromatic substances that are placed within them.

Stock up! 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

New Article on Preparedness and Food Storage at Mormon Times...

The  Mormon Times has a great article on preparedness that was published on 10/20/10.  Please see this article at the following  Link.  There is lots of really good information for your to consider.

Utah County General Election 2010 Early Voting Schedule and Locations

(Image courtesy of

Early Voting

The Utah County Clerk's Office provides voters the option of voting prior to Election Day at any Early Voting Location. Registered voters may visit any Early Voting Location and cast a ballot in person using a touch screen voting device. Voters are not required to go to a certain location to vote early, you may visit any site within Utah County to vote. Early voting begins 14 days before Election Day, and ends the Friday before Election Day.

In order to be eligible to participate in Early Voting, voters must be registered to vote at least 30 days prior to the election and provide valid voter identification. Valid voter identification means:

1. a form of identification that bears the name and photograph of the voter; or

2. two forms of identification that bear the name of the voter and provide evidence that the voter resides in the voting precinct.

Utah County General Election 2010  Early Voting Schedule and Locations

October 19-22 and October 25-29

Location Times

Utah Community Credit Union

1364 North Commerce Drive

Saratoga Springs 1 pm - 5 pm

American Fork Library*

64 South 100 East

American Fork 3 pm - 7 pm

(*Friday, October 22, 2010 and Friday, October 29, 2010  1 pm - 5 pm)

Orem City - City Building Rotunda

55 North State Street

Orem 1 pm - 5 pm

Utah County Administration Building

100 East Center Street

Provo, Utah (Room LL900) 8 am - 5 pm

Spanish Fork National Guard Armory*

2801 North Main Street

Spanish Fork 3 pm - 7 pm

(* Friday, October 29, 2010, 3 pm - 5 pm)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

It's week #3 in October with a new focus item!

Hi all:

This week's focus is on Feminine Hygiene products.  Since you have products that you have come to know, stock up on them now. 

Happy shopping!

Making Cheddar Cheese...from Powdered Cheese and Powdered Milk

Alright, I can already hear the chuckles, and the comments (i.e. "Are you kidding?"), but I am very serious. Since we are focusing on Cheese items, let's try to use the unusual Cheese Powder.  This is a recipe from "Cooking with Powdered Milk" by Peggy Layton.  If you don't have Ms. Layton's book, or any of her other wonderful books, put them on your Christmas list because they are wonderful and reasonably in price.  To purchase her books directly from her, please go here.

Today, I will demonstrate how to make Cheddar Cheese.  Please note that I chose to use a White Cheddar Cheese powder, so that the cheese will not look orange.  I was just experimenting...but it will work just as well with the more orange powder that is readily available from most food storage suppliers.  Here are the steps (and don't be overwhelmed by all the pictures...I am Type A if you haven't figured it out by now:)

Select a pan with a thick bottom, or use a double boiler to avoid scorching.

Grease your pan and begin to heat it.

Into a Bowl, pour in 6 Cups of warm water.

Pour in 1 Cup of Vegetable Oil

Pour in 4.5 Cups of Powdered Milk.

Mix well.

Pour in 2 and 5/8 Cups of Vinegar

Pour mixture into hot, greased pan.

Heat to 115 degrees to form the curds.

Here, you can see the curds forming.

Now, I differed from the recipe.  It states that you should rinse the curds from the whey in warm water and then cold.  Well, I decided to capture the whey as I wanted to use it later.  I placed the colander in a bowl to do this.  Then I rinsed them as directed.

I found that I needed to stir them to help the whey and curds to separate.

Add Salt to taste.

Add 9 Tablespoon of Cheese Powdered (again, I chose to use White Cheddar Powdered, but could have used the common Orange Cheddar Powder instead).

Put into a cheese cloth and press between two plates.  I lined the plate with 2 layers of cheese cloth and allowed enough to bring the ends together and tie off before putting on the second plate.

Press between 2 similar plates.

Place a one pound weight to press out any additional whey.  I found that I needed more weight to do this, so I eventually added another can.  When liquids are pressed out, wrap in plastic and refrigerate.

What is the take-home message?  There is really no specialized equipment here.  With purchased Cheese Powder, you could make your own cheese. 

Here are other links for more cheese recipes that can be made at home. Several require Rennet, which is often sold under the brand name of "Junket".  These are inexpensive tablets that are easy to store.

Cheese Recipes from Junket

Cheese Page by Dr. David Fankhauser

Give it a try.....soon!

Mac and Cheese....from Cheese Sause Mix

Macaroni and's an American Staple.  I didn't use the 'box' to make it either.  I purchased some "Cheese Sauce Mix" from Kitchen Kneads  (7579 S 1700 W in West Jordan, UT) and decided to give it a try.  It was easy, and the peanut gallery said it was good. 

Cook 1 and a half cups of dry noodles in boiling water

Pour in 1/4 Cup milk

1/4/ Cup Butter

1/4 Cup Cheese Sauce Mix

In retrospect, I didn't need to make the sauce in a separate pan.  I could have put it all into the pan with the hot, but drained noodles.

Since many people ask what to do with powdered items, here is a quick and easy one to try!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Emergency plan essential to stakes

 (Image courtesy of

Dear Folks:

This fire happened not far from us.  This type of thing can happen anywhere as well.  It is important that we are all prepared as individuals and families, but also as Wards and Stakes (Congregations).  Please read this article from the LDS Newsroom.

Emergency plan essential to stakes
Units in all areas of the Church can benefit from preparation

By Jason Swensen, Church News staff writer.  Published: Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010


Folks living in the Herriman Utah Rose Canyon Stake likely began their Sabbath on Sept. 26 with the typical Sunday concerns: getting the children dressed for Primary, maybe making some last minute tweaks to the Relief Society lessons or perhaps scheduling some final home teaching visits.

Implementing the stake's emergency preparedness plan was not part of the day's schedule. Still, by day's end, that plan was in full effect. When an afternoon wildfire was sparked in the dry hills above the stake, many of the members had just minutes to gather up a few precious items and get out of their homes. An evacuation order in the stake and neighboring communities left members with little time to organize.

Fortunately, most of the organizing had already taken place. Long before the first sign of fire, stake and ward leaders had developed emergency response plans and established relationships with local public safety agencies. Civic and Church emergency response officials have saluted the Herriman Utah Rose Canyon Stake and its leaders for having a well-organized stake emergency plan that allowed for a timely evacuation and reliable communication during the harried moments when it appeared the fast-moving blaze might spread into their homes and meetinghouses.

Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret NewsHomes are evacuated as a fire rages in Rose Canyon near Herriman, Utah, on Sept. 19. Many residents of the area had just a few minutes to gather a few belongings and flee their homes. Local wards implemented emergency plans to ensure the welfare of members and others.

Lynn Samsel, who directs the Church humanitarian response office, said the Rose Canyon Stake's emergency plan response was followed as designed. Such a plan was invaluable to the local members and others in the community.

"The stake already had a plan and [public safety] relationships in place," said Brother Samsel.

Rose Canyon 2nd Ward Bishop Brian Verwer, whose congregation was among the first to be evacuated, said the stake had been involved in emergency response training for a couple of years. "And a lot of the members have been through Community Emergency Response Team (or CERT) training," he added.

Natural disaster or civil unrest can occur anywhere at almost anytime — and members need to be prepared. The Church has directed units to prepare emergency response plans through their ward and stake welfare committees functioning under the direction of the bishop or stake president. Plans should be updated periodically as local circumstances change. Each plan should include:

— Disasters likely to occur and response actions needed.
— Assignment of responsibilities to priesthood and Relief Society.
— Maps, addresses and contact information of members.
— A procedure to account for missionaries and members following a disaster.
— A list of members with special needs.
— Procedures to assist members who might experience emotional trauma.
— A list of members with available resources such as medical training or the ability to operate heavy equipment.
— How stake leaders will contact the area office (outside the United States and Canada) or Church headquarters (U.S. and Canada) following a disaster.
— Contact information for the local government, the Red Cross and other emergency response agencies.

The recent earthquakes in Chile and Haiti demonstrated the instability of communication systems during an emergency. Land line and cell phone service was severely impacted during the quakes, rendering useless most traditional forms of electronic communication. As part of a stake or ward emergency plan, the Church has instructed priesthood leaders to consider how to contact missionaries and members following a disaster and how to communicate the status of members, buildings and other necessary information to area leaders.

Local priesthood leaders should also consider available emergency communication equipment such as satellite telephones and amateur radios. A ward or stake communication specialist can also be called to organize and direct communication issues.

While stakes and wards are responsible for organizing their respective emergency response plans, it's vital that every family and individual have their own personal plan in place when disaster hits. Circumstances may prevent even local priesthood leaders from offering immediate aid, so families must be prepared to care for themselves.

The Church's Provident Living web site ( offers several items that should be included in a simple family/individual emergency plan. Items to be considered may include:

— A three-month supply of food that is part of a family's normal daily diet.
— Drinking water stored in sturdy, leak-proof, breakage-resistant containers, such as plastic bottles commonly used for juices and soft drinks.
— An appropriate financial reserve.
— Medication and first aid supplies.
— Clothing and bedding.
— Important documents that are readily available in case of evacuation.
— Ways to communicate with family/priesthood leaders following a disaster.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Information from the Lindon Home Storage Center..

Dear Utah County folks:

This is a notice I received from the Lindon Home Storage Center.  To receive these types of notices, you must subscribe to their email list.  Here is the latest information:

To become better prepared for the chicken and berry scheduling, you can go onto the websites before they open and look around. (links are included at the bottom of this email) Carefully read the instructions that you will need to follow when you actually register. You will see the number of people we will be scheduling and have pricing, limit and other details available to you as well. We want you to get used to using the links.

Remember there are separate links for chicken and berries and you will have to register on two different links if you want both products. Visit both links to see the differences in the instructions.

DO NOT CLICK ON THE “Create your own SignUp by clicking here.” LINK. The website we are using can also be used by you for your own events. This is giving you the opportunity to do that. Scroll past that and you will see the Family Canning signup list.

We have had several people get on the distribution list since the initial email, so I will include the information from both emails for them. Those who have already received previous chicken/berry family canning emails don’t need to read any further. Those who have signed up in the last few days will find all information below.


Dear Subscribers:

We are excited to FINALLY be able to offer the canned chicken for your food storage. We also plan on doing other types of meat early in 2011. Hurray!!!! Thanks for sticking with us through the USDA certification process!

The email with the links to schedule Chicken and Frozen Berries will be sent on Wednesday, October 13th; however, the links will not be active until 5:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 16th. Save the October 13th email because we do not plan on re-sending the links. You will need the links to return and check for new openings and verify or UNDO (cancel) your shift. If you need to cancel a shift after the link is closed, you must call the Cannery at 801-785-0998.

The following is crucial in helping you correctly schedule a shift:

1) LIMIT FOR CHICKEN: 3 cases/person - $44.40/case of 24, 14.5 oz cans

2) LIMIT FOR BERRIES: 6 total bags of berries, 4 lbs. each (Blueberry: $7.50/4lb bag, Raspberry: $8.00/4lb bag, Marionberry: $7.00/4lb bag)

a. Order Example: 2 blueberry, 3 raspberry, 1 marionberry = 6 total

3) Each person may only schedule one shift per product . (Honor code applies. Any second shifts will be deleted so others can schedule.)

4) Dates for chicken: November 9-12 and 16-19.

5) Dates for berries: November 30, December 1-3.

6) Each day of production has its own link. There will be 8 separate links to schedule for chicken and 4 links to schedule for berries. Choose the link associated with the day you want to schedule. If you want to schedule for both chicken and berries, you will need to register on a separate link associated with each product. DO NOT DELETE THE EMAIL CONTAINING THESE LINKS UNTIL YOUR SHIFT IS DONE.

7) You will need the following information to schedule: Name; valid email address; daytime phone number; alternate phone number (optional); Order Amounts; a key phrase to use as an UNDO code. Please enter information carefully. Reminders and updates cannot be sent if your email is invalid.


9) Please remember to bring a cooler for your berries, especially if you have a longer distance to travel.

Now that we are a registered USDA facility, we will be able to produce meat every year. We do our best to make this opportunity available to as many people as possible. Please consider ordering the maximum limit amount and offering any unwanted cases to family or friends who could not schedule.

We are now equipped to take debit/credit cards, checks and cash (small bills, please.) We cannot take New Horizon cards.


Dear Subscribers:

The links for Chicken and Berries will be active from 5:00 am. - Saturday, October 16th until Thursday, November 4th. After that you will need to call to cancel or schedule open shifts. After a site is closed, you can still identify open shifts on the website by looking for cells with the word “Empty”. (Side note: On Monday, October 18th, the chili signups will be closed. If you need to cancel or want to check for open shifts after the closing, you will need to call the Cannery @ 801-785-0998 to do so. We are no longer changing order amounts.)

Many of the questions we receive on the phone are answered in the emails that are sent. If you carefully read the email, you should be adequately prepared for the online registration. Although we are happy to clarify anything you do not understand, we will refer you back to the email if your questions are answered in its content.

The same links that you use to schedule a shift are also where you return to check for openings and verify or UNDO (cancel) your shift. Do not delete this email until after all of your scheduled shifts are completed. (Opening the site before the signup actually becomes active will require refreshing your screen before it will show the open shifts.)

Shifts for Chicken Chunks are 2.5 hours and for Frozen Berries are 1.5 hours. Please plan to be here the entire time for your scheduled shift. We have had trouble with people needing to leave early from a scheduled shift or planning on shorter shifts. You are committing to be here for the amount of time listed on the sign-up.

You may only schedule one shift per person. All information must be valid. Please specifically verify that the email and phone numbers are correct; otherwise, reminders and updates cannot be sent to you. REMEMBER: WE WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO CHANGE YOUR ORDER AMOUNTS ONCE THEY ARE SUBMITTED. Please plan ahead so you know exactly how much you want to order and consider ordering the full limit and offering any unwanted cases to those who were unable to come.

Chicken Links:

If you would like to schedule for CHICKEN on Tuesday, November 9th, click the following link:

If you would like to schedule for CHICKEN on Wednesday, November 10th, click the following link:

If you would like to schedule for CHICKEN on Thursday, November 11th, click the following link:

If you would like to schedule for CHICKEN on Friday, November 12th, click the following link:

If you would like to schedule for CHICKEN on Tuesday, November 16th, click the following link:

If you would like to schedule for CHICKEN on Wednesday, November 17th, click the following link:

If you would like to schedule for CHICKEN on Thursday, November 18th, click the following link:

If you would like to schedule for CHICKEN on Friday, November 19th, click the following link:

Frozen Berry Links:

If you would like to schedule for FROZEN BERRIES on Tuesday, November 30th, click the following link:

If you would like to schedule for FROZEN BERRIES on Wednesday, December 1st, click the following link:

If you would like to schedule for FROZEN BERRIES on Thursday, December 2nd, click the following link:

If you would like to schedule for FROZEN BERRIES on Friday, December 3rd, click the following link:

Sunday, October 10, 2010

It's week #2 in October, and the target items are.....

(Image courtesy of

I hope you took advantage of case lot sales, or chose to stock up by canning your own meats last week. The great thing about canned meats are that you can do them year round. 

This week, our focus is CHEESE!  There are so many ways to store cheese, and we will try to visit most if not all this week.  Ways to store it include freezing, canned, and dehydrated means.  I mean, how would you enjoy Potatoes Au gratin, Pizza, or a good old Grill Cheese Sandwich without cheese!

Stock up this week!

Procrastination could have been my downfall.....

(Image courtesy of www.

Any of you who know me well realize that I live and die by my laptop.  This is because our business is on it, my blogging information is on it, our family information is on it...and photos (and lots of them!) are also on it.

Recently, I have been experiencing difficulty with the monitor (remember the old TV's that would get rolling lines from top to bottom), however if I moved it this way or that fixed itself.  I was very foolish to wait to address it, but I did.  Finally, I appealed to my very smart Son and DIL when I no longer could 'fix it'.  They pronounced the possible last rites, helped me back up all the information, and recommended a local store to take it for possible repairs.

However, my very smart Son also helped me sign up for 'MOZY', which is an online back up service that I have been meaning to subscribe to for some time.  It was one of those " I'll do it later" things that I nearly lost the opportunity to use to save my information.  This is an important type of service to have as a preparedness measure, not only for situations like my current one, but also in case of natural disaster, robbery, sudden displacement, etc.  You can restore all the targeted information you ask MOZY to save.  There are other brands of this type of service available.  I chose this service as many Genealogists (thanks Mom and Dad) use it. With all the time and effort Genealogists put into Family Search activities, they would be absolutely foolish not to back up all that information.

So, if you don't have a service like MOZY, consider getting it.  It was very reasonable, and even had a promotional code that made it even more reasonable.  Check it out today.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Annual Mormon Tabernacle Choir Concert....Ticket Registration

It's time again to register for tickets to the Annual Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert.  The registration process begins today and runs through October 18th.  This is a world class concert, and remarkably the tickets are free.  By registering, you are placed in a random drawing.  Do it as soon as possible by going to this link.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It's week #1 in October....and the focus item is Canned Meats

This week, our focus is on stocking up...on Canned Meats.  Here, you see I have hit the local Caselot sale.  I use these for sandwiches, for soups, and sometimes casseroles.  I love the convenience of canned meats because the cooking has been done and they are ready at any time.

Also, in previous posts, I have shown you how to can your own meats.  Here are some links to help you see that this is really a simple process, and can be much less expensive than purchasing canned meats as above.  You should know me by now, I can't pay full price for anything without cause.  So, if I have purchased previously canned meats, you know they were because they were a screamin' deal.

Canned Chicken

Canned Hamburger

Now, I used some of my hamburger yesterday to make a Taco Soup.  Fast, easy, and delicious.  Just think about the time and delicious meals you can prepare for your family by having Canned Meats on hand!

It's October....and we have new focus items!

Can you believe it is October already?  I guess I got so caught up with our wonderful General Conference recently that I forgot to post October!  So, here is the plan for this month.  I hope you are feeling the peace and comfort that comes from being prepared.

Week #1

Canned Meats

Week #2

Cheese (Frozen, canned, dehydrated)

Week #3

Feminine Supplies

Week #4


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"Let the Holy Spirit Guide: Recognizing and Receiving Personal Revelation"

Just a reminder to the Relief Society Sisters in our ward/congregation:

Dr. Alex Baugh is our speaker for our Weekday Relief Society Activity.  It will be held at the home of Wendy H and will begin at 7:00 p.m. 

We are really fortunate to be able to hear from Dr. Baugh.  Please plan on attending....and enjoying this great opportunity!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland - Because of Your Faith

Isn't Technology just great?  This talk occurred less than 24 hours ago....and it is already available for me to share with you.  I was so touched by this message, that immediately I thought of all those individuals who had shaped my life.  I wrote an 'email' of thanks to my parents as they had planned to be away during conference and may not be within cellphone range.  Within hours, I received 2 priceless responses by email.  These 'cyberspace' messages are keepers...ones that I will save as precious gifts.

We have much to be thankful for.  Listen, learn, and do....

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Conference Morning Breakfast......German Pancakes!

(Image courtesy of

Good Conference Morning!  As per our little tradition, the LRH is posting a yummy breakfast that can be made for your family....from food storage staples.  Conference morning is a great time to gather as a family with a delicious breakfast to start off the day.  Today, the featured item is German Pancakes....a favorite of our home!

Today's recipe comes from a wonderful book that I purchased in the past few months, Simple Recipes Using Food Storage  published by  This book is a great resource in learning to use your Food storage staples in a step by step manner.  The descriptions are not complicated and the instructions are very simple.  The method begins by using 6 basic ingredients for the initial step and builds from there.  The suggested retail price is  $11.99, so it is really reasonable.  Now, I don't remember what I paid for it, but at this price....most anyone can afford it.

German Pancakes (see the link for this recipe on Google)

4 eggs
1/2 tsp salt
2/3 cup whole wheat or white flour (Get out your Grain mill and use it!)
2/3 cup milk
1 Tbsp sugar
2 Tbsp oil

Beat eggs until light in color.  Add the rest of the ingredients and mix until smooth.  Pour into 2 well-oiled or buttered 9-inch pans or a 9x13 inch pan.  Bake 10 minutes at 400 degrees and then reduce the heat to 35 degrees and bake another 20 minutes.  These are good topped with melted butter and maple syrup or powdered sugar and lemon juice.

Enjoy your family time together today.....
starting off with this wonderful breakfast!