Friday, February 27, 2009

Food Storage Night.....a "tongue in cheek" look!

Hi all:

I think in the past, Food Storage has been perceived by many of us like the children in this video.

After you stop laughing, please know that this is not how it has to be. Many of our convenience foods are made from food storage staples. In the near future, I will be offering a class on making your own mixes using many items that we traditionally store. It will be held at "Little Red Hen's House". Check your email for time and dates.

Get ready for an "adventure" in food storage. We are going to have fun, and we can gain the needed skill sets to succeed. Buckle up....get ready for the ride. The fun is about to begin!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


"A Matter of Preparedness"

Welcome to "A matter of preparedness". This is a blog created to educate and provide opportunities to obtain items for my local church congregation (ward) in the Highland Utah area. The information is for all, but please note that the ordering opportunities are only for those who reside in my area....I don't plan to go global with ordering!

In uncertain times such as these, it is prudent to have our "house in order". This is not a new message. In the Old Testament we learn from 1 Timothy 5:8 "But if any provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith....".

More recently our Prophet Thomas S Monson stated the following: “Noah heeded God's command to build an ark...that they might be saved from the floodwaters. Yet there was no evidence of rain and flood. His actions were considered irrational. The sun was shining and life moved forward as usual. But time ran out. The floods came, the disobedient were drowned. When God speaks and we obey, we will always be right.” (October 2002 Ensign)

I look forward to assisting you in your "quest" to be prepared, that all may be "Safely Gathered In". May the Lord bless you in your efforts to be prepared.